Donald to Cankles, Game ON!

Good day all. While the primaries are still ongoing, it looks like Donald Trump will be the nominee, unless the GOP(e) does something suicidally stupid, and that Cankles Clinton will be the Democrat nominee, unless she is indicted.

Hillary for Prison

Cankles took a shot at The Donald on Tuesday night after cleaning up in the March 15 primaries. You just knew that Trump wasn’t going to let that one pass, and he didn’t.

Donald Trump

A new ad was released yesterday using some footage Cankles wished she could lose along with all her emails. It does not make her look good. (Not that making Hillary Clinton look good is an easy thing to do)

[youtuber youtube=’’]

This is just the first shot in a long war this summer, and actually was nothing more than a BB pellet. Without question, Cankles will throw tons of mud at Trump. Whether any sticks is another matter. Cankles on the other hand…

[youtuber youtube=’′]

This one is from the 2008 campaign and needs to be updated with all of Cankles recent accomplishments disasters. This election is going to be EPIC!



~The Angry Webmaster~

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