Obama trying to pad retirement package?

Good day all. Come January 20th, 2017, at 12pm EST, we will finally be rid of the worst president in the last 120 years, if not ever. One of the issues with King Putt is his constant and expensive vacations and days off playing golf.


Obama has played more rounds of golf in his presidency than Tiger Woods. Michelle Obama’s rather expensive tastes, (on the Taxpayer’s dime), are well known. The problem for the Obama’s is, on January 20th, 2017, at 12:01pm EST, the free ride ends. So what does a deadbeat who really has no skills whatsoever do? Why he takes a page from every Democrat run state and city and see how he can go about padding his retirement bennies. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Obama sought to increase the amount of money available for the federal government to spend on former presidents in advance of his White House exit.

A small correction here. “President Obama sought to increase the amount of money available for the federal government to spend on him.” The other presidents? They can rot as far as he’s concerned.

In his budget requests for fiscal years 2016 and 2017, Obama proposed hikes in the appropriations for expenditures of former presidents, according to a report from the Congressional Research Service published Wednesday.

It’s not like it’s his money after all. Nope, Il Douche requires that the life style he now enjoys must be maintained at no cost to himself.

The report, which discusses the pensions and other federal benefits offered to former commanders-in-chief by way of the Former Presidents Act, specifies that Obama’s 2017 budget proposes a nearly 18 percent hike in appropriations for expenditures of former presidents. He successfully requested an increase in such appropriations for fiscal year 2016.

Currently we have 4 former presidents. When Obama finally leaves office, we will have 5 former presidents, and Der Fubar will be the youngest one. The Former Presidents Actgives former presidents a pension, lifetime Secret Service protection and money for an office and staff.

The Clintons, of course, practically looted the White House on their way out the door. They have made use of every penny they could get their hands on as well as selling Hilary Clinton’s office, probably as senator and apparently as Secretary of State. (We’ll see what the FBI says about that)

evil hillary2

Following the link to the original story at the Free Beacon,

Currently, former presidents are awarded a pension equal to the salary of cabinet secretaries, which totaled $203,700 for the 2015 calendar year and was boosted by $2,000 for the current calendar year.

That’s a nice pension. It rivals the pensions of some Massachusetts University presidents.

Critics of the act argue that it financially supports former presidents who are not struggling. Many of them, alternatively, have gone on to profit from writing books about their time in the White House or delivering paid speaking engagements.

And in the case of the Clintons, influence peddling and bribery, or so it appears.

Former President Bill Clinton, for example, earned $132 million for delivering paid speeches between February 2001 and March 2015, according to an analysis from CNN. Clinton received $924,000 in taxpayer dollars last year by way of the Former Presidents Act.

Does that include any “undeclared” compensation?

Republicans in the House and Senate have introduced legislation that would cap annual pensions for former presidents at $200,000. Additionally, the bills would cut each pension by a dollar for every dollar the former president earns over $400,000 in the private sector in a given year. The measure was approved by the House in January with bipartisan support.

Oh, that will put a dent in the Clinton’s bank accounts!

“It’s pretty simple. You want a retirement and pension, it’s there. But if you’re going to go out and make enormous sums of money, then you don’t need taxpayer subsidies,” Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R., Utah), who introduced the bill in the House, told ABC News in an interview.

That works for me. In fact, I think we should also end congressional pensions as well. It would probably help end the careerism of these dinosaurs who generally are carried out feet first after being in office for 30 years. Most of them have skills they can use to earn a living. Just think, Senator Ed Markey could go back to his job in the Dreaded Private Sector driving an Ice Cream truck.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Obama trying to pad retirement package?

  1. FriarBob says:

    Um… cutting pensions will make them WANT to leave? Not very likely!

    But capping the actual pension at something like three times the minimum wage would probably be a good thing anyway… and letting any who VOLUNTARILY retire within 15 years in Washington (or less) KEEP it if they earn more… now THAT might actually reduce the careerism.

    Short of that, only outright term term limits will pry the “only-feet-first” type’s fingers off the loot.


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