Review: Allegiant

Good day all. This will be fairly short and sweet. Last night I saw the new movie Allegiant. To say I was unimpressed would be an understatement.


To begin with, I am aware of the book series and the first two movies in this series. I have not read the books nor did I see the first two movies, nor do I intend to. Normally, I would have given this movie a pass since it really wasn’t my cup of tea, but I was invited out by family to see it and then have dinner at the Outback Restaurant.

My impressions of the movie can be summed up very simply. *snore* *ZZZZZZzzzz* and my personal favorite, *BARF*. This film is aimed at teenage girls, of which there were plenty at the theater. The plot was pathetic and so loaded with holes that it quickly foundered in the seas of logic. Granted, I can suspend logic and belief if the story is good, but this…wasn’t.

I’m not even going to bother with spoilers since it isn’t worth the effort. One of the people I went with fell asleep and began snoring. He finally went to the back of the theater and sawed wood for a good twenty minutes. He didn’t miss anything.

As for the Outback restaurant, this is the first time I’ve been to one in a good 10 years. Now I remember why. We had to wait a good half hour, and when we were seated, the booths were rather…small. (There were four of us), it was late, close to 8pm and the booth behind ours was loaded with small children who should have been home being rocked to sleep.

One of our orders was botched and had to go back to the kitchen. All the meals had to much salt in them. The chicken wings we had as an appetizer were nothing to right home about, and I wasn’t impressed. I think one comment was made that the meat was actually kangaroo, not beef.

All in all, I had a good time with the family and friends, talking and whatnot. The movie was one I will quickly forget about, and I don’t think I’ll be going back to the Outback any time soon. Smokey Bones is much better. In fact, I think I’ll go binge on the new season of Dare Devil to wash the memory of Allegiant from my mind.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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