Hillary Clinton looks…unwell

And the Clinton Campaign is going bonkers over it. Good day all. If you have been watching Cankles over the last year, you may have noticed that she seems…tired and not very healthy. Even the Clinton supporting media is beginning to notice that Hillary seems to require a lot of down time.

Hillary Clinton for president?

Compared to Hillary, Donald Trump is bouncing around like a teenager, always on the go and always available to anyone who wants to interview him. Now the Clinton campaign is fighting bac over accuastions that Hillary Clinton is not physically or mentally up to the job of being the President of the United States. Here are a few details from Politico:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign is pushing back even harder Thursday on multiple “deranged conspiracy theories” about her health, as one top aide put it earlier in the week, as Donald Trump continues to stoke doubts about the Democratic nominee’s “mental and physical stamina.”

There have been a lot of interesting stories and pictures of Cankles over the last few weeks, including one where she was being helped up a short flight of stairs, and another one where someone was walking along beside her with an injector pin in hand, allegedly filled with Diazepam. According to Wikipedia, Diazepam is used for:

Diazepam is mainly used to treat anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks and symptoms of acute alcohol withdrawal.

Now rumors have it that Hillary gets very friendly with a pitcher of Martini’s after a hard day of lying through her teeth. Also, she has shown she is a really bad campaigner, and probably gets very nervous when required to lie testify under oath.

Thousands of social-media users also shared an “exclusive” story by InfoWars, the conspiracy-fueled website run by Alex Jones, that ran under the all-caps headline, “#HILLARYSSTOOLS: CLINTON USING CHAIRS AS CRUTCHES IN COUNTLESS SPEECHES.”

I saw that story on Infowars and to be honest, didn’t pay it to much attention. Infowars is not noted as the most reliable of web sites. Paranoid, delusional conspiracy theorists would be more accurate, but once in a while, they do come up with something that is well sourced. Since I didn’t reat through that story, I don’t know if it was sourced at all.

Trump has dipped his toe in the same waters, without explicitly embracing any of the theories floating around various far-right sites. Speaking to Fox News’ Sean Hannity at a town hall event in Wisconsin taped Tuesday but aired Wednesday night, Trump said of Clinton, “She doesn’t really do that much. She’ll give a speech on a teleprompter, and then she’ll disappear.

I don’t know if she goes home [and] goes to sleep. I think she sleeps,” Trump told Hannity, who has made it a point on his show to bring up the various theories and narratives surrounding Clinton’s bill of health. “I guess she takes a lot of weekends off. She takes a lot of time off. And you know, that’s frankly — frankly, it’s really not fair.

Donald Trump

Oh I bet that needle struck a nerve in the Clinton Campaign, especially with Trump flying all over the country and meeting people.

Trump’s campaign doubled down Thursday, with spokeswoman Katrina Pierson telling MSNBC that it’s “extremely important to note that Hillary Clinton has taken a lot of time off the campaign trail.”

He said that she doesn’t have the strength or the stamina for a very long time. That part is nothing new,” Pierson said. “What’s new are the other reports of the observations of Hillary Clinton’s behavior and mannerisms, specifically with what you just showed in those previous clips, as well as her dysphasia, the fact that she’s fallen, she has had a concussion…”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwCtM6D4GOc’]

The issue of Clinton’s health has percolated in certain circles, including on Hannity’s shows since her concussion in late 2012 after her doctor said she fainted as a result of dehydration caused by a stomach virus. (On his Aug. 9 broadcast of his radio show, he speculated that Clinton may have had a “stroke.”) The Clinton campaign has girded itself for battle against such theories, particularly after the hiring of Bannon from Breitbart, which has run multiple articles speculating about her health.

Well here’s the problem for Cankles. She just doesn’t look good. In fact, she looks like death warmed over. Actually, I think they use her picture as a template for all the zombie movies when they want to make a particularly gruesome looking zombie.

hillary clinton awful

The liberal watchdog group Media Matters for America and the pro-Clinton super PAC Correct the Record, both founded by close Clinton ally David Brock, have fiercely contested all aspects of the theories.

Big surprise that. Those crooks will do anything to get Cankles elected for their lord and master, George Soros.

Dr Soros

And on Thursday, chief Clinton strategist Joel Benenson mocked Trump’s obsession with his opponent’s energy and health, telling MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that it “must be driving his ego crazy that she’s outworking him, out-thinking him, connecting better with the American voters about the issues that matter in their life.”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Oh that’s hilarious. Most people can’t wait for the debates between Trump and Cankles. Most people believe that Trump will mop the floor with Hillary, provided she doesn’t disappear off stage again. The story continues with one Cankles supporter after another denying there is a problem and attacking Trump. Granted, that’s their job, but lets face it. Hillary does not look well. Frankly, she should announce that she is going to step down, retire from public life and go play with her grandchildren.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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