Obama sure knows how to help people

Good day all. In case you weren’t aware of it, Louisiana is suffering under the worst flooding since Hurricane Katrina hit 11 years ago. The reason you may not be aware of it, is that the Mostly Stupid Media hasn’t really covered it.


There is a reason they haven’t payed all that much attention to it. The Reason? George W. Bush. He isn’t the president right now, and unlike Katrina, the media can’t castigate him for appearing to not help or care. Just an FYI. Bush did help, but due to an incompetent idiot running FEMA, help wasn’t delivered as quickly as it should have been. There was also his flyover in Air Force One that the media didn’t like. He didn’t land because he knew what a circus security would be and that it would take away from rescue efforts. Plus, the MSM hated his guts because, Bush.

Now we have another disaster, and where is our current president? Taking a vacation and playing golf of course. He has said nothing about the disaster. Well, that’s not quite true. There was one memo sent to Louisiana about the disaster relief and rescue efforts. What was the memo about? It was a warning from the Department of InJustice to “Not discriminate.”


Here are the details from the Washington Times:

President Obama has refused so far to survey the Louisiana flood disaster, but he did let state and local officials know that he’s watching to make sure they don’t engage in racial discrimination. In a 16-page guidance issued Tuesday, the Obama administration, led by the Justice Department, warned Louisiana recipients of federal disaster assistance against engaging in “unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin (including limited English proficiency).”


The guidance’s frameworks “highlight the importance of complying with nondiscrimination requirements of civil rights statutes, addressing the needs of the whole community, and ensuring equal opportunity to access recovery efforts.”

eye roll

We have over a dozen people dead, tens of thousands of homes badly damaged or destroyed and people who have last everything and in need of every bit of assistance our country can provide, and what does this Stuttering Clusterf**k of a Miserable Failure worry about? His golf handicap and that someone might forget to dot an “I” on a form or something. This memo did not go over well with the people of Louisiana either.

Needless to say, some Louisiana residents were offended, including the American Conservative’s Rod Dreher, who took umbrage at receiving an anti-discrimination lecture from Washington, D.C., as locals struggle to rescue, house and feed their neighbors.


[E]verywhere you look you can find black folks and white folks loving on each other, helping each other through this crisis,” Mr. Dreher said in a Thursday post.


Mr. Obama has come under fire for sticking to his two-week golf vacation on Martha’s Vineyard instead of taking time to survey the flooding in the Baton Rouge area, which has left 13 dead.

That statement is no longer operative as they say. The Sun King will interrupt his Martha’s Vineyard vacation on Tuesday to grace Louisiana with his presence.


The administration guidance cited instances of discrimination in Gulf Coast states after Hurricane Katrina and Hurricane Rita in 2005, such as “numerous media reports [that] showed images of African Americans stranded on roofs in New Orleans.”

Gee, why was that? In fact, why weren’t these people evacuated in the first place when Hurricane Katrina was bearing down on them? I’ll give you three guesses, but you will only need two. The first reason was the DEMOCRAT governor, Kathleen Blanco. When President Bush called her to ask her to start the process to bring in the Federal government, she refused because she didn’t want to do anything that might make GW Bush look good..

Then we have the inmate number 32751-034, formally known as New Orleans mayor Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin, currently residing in the Federal penitentiary in Texarkana. His utter incompetence is directly responsible for the deaths of hundreds of men, women and children and his mind-numbing stupidity in ignoring HIS OWN PLAN should have put him away for life. Instead, he was busted on corruption charges, typical for the average Democrat politician.

Ray Nagin submarines

These images exposed significant inequalities in access to emergency response and recovery efforts,” said the guidance.


Leave it to the racists in the Department of InJustice to come up with that bit of nonsense. The major issue down there after Katrina was logistics. The roads had to be cleared to get supplies in, and the helicopters that would normally be used had been flown out of the area to avoid being destroyed by the storm. They had to be flown back, and then they had to find the logistics to keep them in the air. But then, reality has never been something the racists in the DoIJ have ever concerned themselves with.

Mr. Dreher said such discrimination is wrong and Louisianans need to “own our mistakes,” but that residents knee-deep in rescue efforts don’t appreciate being painted with the administration’s broad brush.

He quoted an email from a local named Jimmy who said, “Not many things get me seething, but this does,” calling Obama administration officials “dividers instead of uniters.”

Welcome to the Obama Administration, probably the most racist administration since Woodrow Wilson.

Look no further than this ‘guidance’ press release telling us in the middle of it to be sure not to be racist, y’all,” said the email. “Meanwhile, our President enjoys golfing and Martha’s Vineyard and sunny skies. No visits, not even that reviled [George W.] Bush flyover. Just politically motivated, radically laced memos.”


Bush may have been a moron who always let an opportunity be missed, but compared to King Putt? Bush was the height of being there for people. We could almost forgive “Hell of a job there Brownie”, almost. Der Fubar couldn’t even be bothered to come off the course and issue a statement of concern to the people of Louisiana. Compare that to Donald Trump. He flew in with Mike Pence and delivered a large truckload of supplies that he paid for out of his own pocket.

Donald Trump

Oh, Hillary Clinton? Apparently she was taking a nap. I understand her staff has sent out donation forms for the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation. But then, she is unwell and has to take several days off after each 20 minute campaign stop.

Hillary Clinton for president?

As I mentioned above, King Put has decided that maybe he should go down and pretend to give a damn about the people and all the devastation. He is expected to fly down on Tuesday for a quick stop and then head back to Martha’s Vineyard for a quick round of golf.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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