Clinton: “Don’t blame me, blame Colin Powell”

Good day all. The always classy Hillary Rodham Clinton has decided that the best way to get out from under her email scandal is to blame someone else. Who is Cankles blaming for her problems? One of her predecessors, Colin Powell.


Powell is not rolling over and taking one for Team Cankles however. He’s flat out denying that he told Clinton to run her own email server. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is pushing back on Hillary Clinton’s reported claims that he advised her to use a personal email account — telling reporters that the Democratic presidential nominee is trying to “pin” the scandal on him.


The New York Times reported last week that Clinton told the FBI that Powell detailed to her his email practices under George W. Bush. The paper cited a passage from an upcoming book about Bill Clinton’s post-presidency that read, “Powell told her to use her own email, as he had done, except for classified communications, which he had sent and received via a State Department computer.”

Please note that even here, Cankles shot herself in the foot. According to her, Powell told her to her to use personal email EXCEPT FOR CLASSIFIED COMMUNICATIONS. Of course, Powell denies even saying that much to the lying queen.

Powell, in response, said in a statement he only sent her a memo about his email practices and had no recollection of this conversation with Clinton.

He elaborated on that statement to The New York Post, saying “The truth is she was using it (her personal email) for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did.”

Thrown under the bus

He added that, “her people have been trying to pin it on me.”

Powell said it didn’t bother him, according to The Post.

Powell may say it doesn’t bother him, but you know it does. Cankles trying to use him as an alibi for her on criminal activities actually could cause General Powell some problems down the road. That’s why he threw Cankles under the bus. In any case, what does all this have to do with the price of beans in Boston?

The conversation revelation was part of the FBI’s notes that were given to Congress last week about the agency’s questioning in July that led Director James Comey not to pursue criminal charges against her over her use of private emails.

I’ve heard, but can’t provide a citation, that Cankles used that excuse that Powell told her to use private email with the FBI. If this is accurate, then Powell has just blown a massive hole in Clinton’s bag of excuses. There is also the issue that Powell didn’t set up a private email server in his own home.

hillary shocked

Now Powell laid out some reasons for using a personal email account for non-classified messages. Back then, the email system was very primitive and prone to failures. Also the regulations for using outside mail systems hadn’t really been formulated. By the time Cankles became Secretary of State, those rules had been put in place and the email system had been vastly improved. This is just another attempt by Hillary Clinton to blame others for her own actions and cover up her crimes. The sad things is, thanks to the Coward Comey, she probably will get away with it yet again.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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