FBI Finds another 15,000 Cankles Emails

Good day all. Just as I was pushing out my last post on Cankles email issues, another story broke regarding the FBI finding yet another 15,000 of her missing emails.


This is breaking news and so far I’ve only seen it on the Washington Times site. Still, if this is accurate, then once again Hillary Rodham Clinton lied through her teeth. Here are the details, as such, from the Washington Times:

The FBI found nearly 15,000 emails former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton never turned over to the government after she left office — despite her insistence she’d handed in all her work-related messages.

hillary shocked

The Obama administration revealed the messages in a court hearing Monday.

And I’m just sure they were so happy to do so too, considering how the Obama Regime has been going all out to bury Cankles crimes, to the point of co-opting James “The Coward” Comey.

The State Department said it will begin to process them and release them, though it could take months to put them all out, leaving the public in the dark about some of them until after the election.

We’re talking about tens of thousands of documents,” Lisa A. Olson, a Justice Department lawyer representing the State Department, said.

And I’m sure they will “Get right on that and turn it around ASAP, right after they complete their vacations, and the 2 year paid sabbaticals.

Some of the new documents will contain information that is deemed private under open-records laws, but Judicial Watch, the group that forced Monday’s hearing, said many of the documents will have information that should have been public all along.

Somehow, I suspect that less than 10 percent could be considered personal, private email. The rest? Well, there is the “Pay to play” emails that deal with the bribes from foreign governments and people for things like the sale of America’s Uranium mines to the Russians. Naah, that will no doubt be considered a private email chain.

eye roll

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said the State Department must keep politics out of the process as it works on the messages, and said speed is important.

You are joking right? The only thing the State Department will do in a speedy manner is take as long as possible to comply with any court orders. As for keeping politics out?

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

He said the department has had the 14,900 messages for a month and hasn’t produced any of them yet.

The person detailed to handle this is on vacation and won’t be back for another month. Then we think that he will have to go out on long term disability due to something he picked up on his vacation. Then he’s scheduled for a nice long sabbatical so come back in 8 years or so? Thanks


That’s simply not acceptable,” he said.


The 14,900 emails are on one computer disk. All told, the FBI turned over seven disks. It’s not entirely clear what documents are on the others. The FBI said the 14,900 emails on disk one were either sent or received by Mrs. Clinton and are not duplicative of the approximately 30,000 emails she turned over and that the State Department already released, under a judge’s order.

I’m sure it’s pictures of the grand kid and Hillary in her yoga pants. However, considering what’s already been found on that server and elsewhere, I think it’s safe to say that there will be more messages that are covered under the Freedom of Information Act and the Espionage statutes. Possibly under the Public Corruption laws as well. We shall see.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to FBI Finds another 15,000 Cankles Emails

  1. VonZorch Imperial Reseacher says:

    Not that it is going to have any effect. The fix was in from the beginning. I don’t think Killery would get prosecuted if she strangled a 5 year old girl and ate her in public, with video recordings.


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