Hillary Clinton for sale

Good day all. This has not been a good week for Hillary Clinton. After her narrow escape from charges of espionage, thanks to James “The Coward” Comey, she thought she was free and clear. Now even more emails have shown up showing what a corrupt, money grubbing cow she is.


These emails seem to indicate that when Cankles was Secretary of State, she was basically selling her office to the highest bidders. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Newly released emails reveal more instances of the Clinton Foundation appearing to reach out to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s State Department for favors involving wealthy donors – including Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain – according to a watchdog group that fought to obtain the emails.


Judicial Watch, which released the documents Monday, said in a statement that the messages show Clinton aide Huma Abedin “provided influential Clinton Foundation donors special, expedited access to the secretary of state.” The documents include exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department.

Judicial Watch has been doing yeoman’s work when it comes to the Clinton email scandal. Basically, they’ve been doing the job that the Department of Justice and Congress should be doing. Another thing here is Huma Abedin. I think I hear the sound of a bus engine turning over in the background.

Thrown under the bus

The exchange involving the crown prince of Bahrain occurred in June 2009. It started with top foundation official Doug Band notifying Abedin that the crown prince was coming to the U.S. and seeking a meeting. He noted he is a “good friend of ours.”

Abedin wrote back that the crown prince had asked to see Clinton through “normal channels.”

Which is the way things are supposed to work, except in the Clinton State Department.

She added: “I asked and she said she doesn’t want to commit to anything for thurs or fri until she knows how she will feel. Also she says that she may want to go to ny and doesn’t want to be committed to stuff in ny.”

Yes, we all know that Cankles is not a well person.

Hillary Clinton for president?

Two days later, Abedin wrote to Band saying they were offering up a morning meeting between Clinton and the crown prince.

Hmm, what changed I wonder?

As noted by Judicial Watch, the foundation website says the crown prince committed to an international scholarship program in 2005, through the Clinton Global Initiative. According to the site, this commitment was worth $32 million, in addition to other reported donations from the Kingdom of Bahrain.

I think the phrase here would be “Cha Ching!” It sounds like Hillary had a transfusion, (of cash), and suddenly felt much better, good enough to meet with the Crown Prince.

A statement released Monday by the court of the crown prince said his pledge “happened years before and was wholly unrelated to any meeting with Secretary Clinton.?”

nothing to see here

Uh huh, yeah, right, and I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might want to look at? I’ll sell it cheap. And the response from the Clinton Crime Cartel?

The Clinton campaign, though, pushed back on the Judicial Watch claims, pointing to the original Abedin email that said the crown prince went through “normal channels.”

Well he did start out following the normal procedures. Those channels usually work very well, but that was before Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State.

“Once again this right-wing organization that has been going after the Clintons since the 1990s is distorting facts to make utterly false attacks,” spokesman Josh Schwerin said in a statement. “No matter how this group tries to mischaracterize these documents, the fact remains that Hillary Clinton never took action as Secretary of State because of donations to the Clinton Foundation.”

And here comes the Clinton standard attack of “Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy” whenever they get caught doing something they shouldn’t have, like taking bribes.

The foundation, meanwhile, has tried to settle any conflict-of-interest questions by preparing a series of changes if Hillary Clinton is elected.

And what would those changes be you ask?

Following a foundation decision made public last week to no longer accept foreign or corporate donations if she wins, Bill Clinton issued a detailed memo Monday announcing other changes in the event his wife is elected president, including: He will step down from the board and “no longer raise funds for it;” the foundation’s international work funded by other government aid programs will be moved to other organizations; and he will step down from the board of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI).

He also said the upcoming September annual meeting for the Clinton Global Initiative America “will be the last.”

So, it will be “Act now! Time is limited! Get your payments in soon! Of course, after the election, the Clintons will have a new systems to launder their hard earned bribes.

In its statement on Monday, Judicial Watch highlighted several other exchanges that it claimed showed Abedin helping provide access to donors who had given anywhere from $25,000 to $10 million to the foundation.

And as I understand it, they’re just starting to dig into the newly released emails. From what I’ve heard, no baby pictures or yoga appointments have been found.

Such emails have fueled accusations from Republicans of a “pay-to-play” operation. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump – Hillary Clinton’s rival in the 2016 race – on Monday called for the foundation to be shut down.

It is now clear that the Clinton Foundation is the most corrupt enterprise in political history. What they were doing during Crooked Hillary’s time as Secretary of State was wrong then, and it is wrong now. It must be shut down immediately,” he said in a statement.


This is one reason, the primary reason Hillary Clinton has to win in November. If Trump wins, he’s going to appoint a special prosecutor to look into the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation and Hillary’s tenure as Secretary of State. She really can’t count on Obama giving her and Bubba blanket pardons. They really don’t like each other to much. Needless to say, the Clinton Crime Cartel’s made members fired back at Trump.

“The Foundation has already laid out the unprecedented steps the charity will take if Hillary Clinton becomes president,” Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta said in a statement, making several demands of Trump in response:

Donald Trump needs to come clean with voters about his complex network of for-profit businesses that are hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to big banks, including the state-owned Bank of China, and other business groups with ties to the Kremlin. Donald Trump should stop hiding behind fake excuses and release his tax returns and immediately disclose the full extent of his business interests. He must commit to fully divesting himself from all of his business conflicts to ensure that he is not letting his own financial interests affect decisions made by his potential administration.”

Let’s see now, where shall we start? Trump is a businessman and he is always doing deals. He released a huge amount of information when he filed with the Federal Elections Commission. As to his tax returns? I personally don’t care about them, anymore than I cared about Cankles and Bubba’s returns. And as for the accusations of ties with the Kremlin? Well, I don’t recall Donald Trump allowing the sale of a large percentage of America’s uranium mines to the Russians, and then getting a very large “donation” to the foundation. Oh, that uranium? It’s going to the Iranians for their nuclear weapons program. You know, the one Der Fubar said the Iranians were going to shut down?

nuclear blast

More emails, meanwhile, are in the pipeline for release. A federal judge in a Judicial Watch case earlier Monday ordered the State Department to expedite its review of some 14,900 emails uncovered by the FBI over the course of its investigation into Clinton’s private email practices.

These new emails apparently caught some in congress by surprise. They thought that all the recoverable messages had been, or were in the process of being released. They were supposed to have been handed over to Congressional oversight some time ago. Even the State Department was caught off guard apparently and now they want them as well.


No matter what they find though, nothing is going to be done by the Justice Department. They’ve already decided to whitewash the whole thing. If Hillary Clinton is elected, she will be the most corrupt president in history. Nixon was bad, but he didn’t sell his office to foreign powers for money, and it looks like that is just what Hillary Clinton did. As president? Well, she is already wholly owned by George Soros. However, I’m sure he’s willing to sub-let Cankles to other buyers.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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