University of Chicago has bad news for SJW’s

Good say all. As you know by now, the Social justice Warriors, or SJW’s have been working overtime to turn universities and colleges into pleasant little areas of totalitarian groupthink. Yesterday the University of Chicago sent the class of 2020 some bad news.

Precious Snowflake

The letter sent to the incoming class essentially laid out that the school supports all forms of discourse and will not censor speech because someone’s feeling might be hurt. Here are the details from Fox News (Because you sure as Hell won’t see this in the New York Times):

The University of Chicago, one of America’s most prestigious and selective universities, is warning incoming students starting this fall not to expect safe spaces and a trigger-free existence during their four-year journey through academia.


In a letter sent to the class of 2020, university officials said one of the defining characteristics of the school was its unwavering commitment to freedom of inquiry and expression. Civility and mutual respect are vital to the campus culture, the letter states, but not at the expense of shielding students from unpopular opinions or ideas.

Our commitment to academic freedom means that we do not support so-called “trigger warnings,” we do not cancel invited speakers because their topics might prove controversial, and we do not condone the creation of intellectual “safe spaces” where individuals can retreat from ideas and perspectives at odds with their own,” the letter states.

suck it up Buttercup

Now that’s what I call taking a Godzilla sized dump on the Precious Snowflakes. It’s about time universities started standing up to these whining crybabies, and it looks like the University of Chicago is leading the way.

The warning from Chicago stands in sharp contrast to many other American universities that have gone out of their way to coddle students by protecting them from ideas they may find offensive or disturbing.

Those so called centers of higher education are doing no favors to the spoiled brats they are allegedly educating. When those self centered drones come out with their degrees in Social Justice and White Privilege and a 6 figure student loan debt, they’re going to find it impossible to land a decent job. Why? Because they are morons.


The University of Chicago is one of the most exclusive universities in the country and they want their students to get the best education that they can provide. They also want them to succeed in life and coddling the Precious Snowflakes is NOT the way to do it.

The University of Chicago is having none of it. To drive home the point, the letter to students includes a link to a report on freedom of expression issued by the university in January 2015. The report quotes a former president of the University, Hanna Holborn Gray, as saying that “education should not be intended to make people comfortable, it is meant to make them think.


And that is the one thing far to many colleges and universities won’t do, teach their students how to think. The major problem for these universities is how they select instructors and professors. Almost all of them went through 4 years of collage, then stayed and got a masters degree, and then continued on getting a doctorate degree. These degrees are usually in some subject that is absolutely useless outside of academia, so they go into teaching in colleges and universities.

They have, in most cases, no real idea how the world actually works since they have spent their entire adult lives in echo chambers and bubbles. All they know is theory and when, in rare circumstances, they get the chance to try their theories, they not only collapse, but do horrific damage to whatever it is these muttonheads are trying to “Make better”. Take a look at how Obamacare is imploding as one example. It was all put together by people who had no real world experience. As usual, their “Great ideas” are doing real harm to people.

I think the University of Chicago, class of 2020 will graduate with a fair idea that the world isn’t fair and flat out doesn’t care about them, and my want to kill them. Compare that with the universities and colleges that kowtow to the SJW’s and how they will react when the real world hits them upside the head with a Clue x four.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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