House Preps perjury charges against Clinton

Good day all. This story came out a couple of weeks ago, but with all the other news, it sort of slipped by. The House GOP is preparing a case against Hillary Clinton for perjury.

Hillary for Prison

This goes back to her testimony before the Benghazi committee. There has always been some serious questions regarding that testimony, especially since so much new information has become available. Here are the details on what’s going on from The Hill:

House Republicans are doubling down in their effort to bring perjury charges against Hillary Clinton over her testimony last year to the House Select Committee on Benghazi. GOP lawmakers have claimed that the Democratic presidential nominee broke the law by lying under oath about her private email setup during her marathon appearance in October. Next month, Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee plan to make the issue a central part of a hearing with senior officials from the FBI, a committee aide said on Thursday.

As I recall, this came about when James “The Coward” Comey was testifying on why he whitewashed Cankles crimes regarding her personal email server. One of the representatives asked if they had investigated Cankles regarding potential lying under oath, and Comey replied that they had not been asked to. The representative said he would be sending over the request asap.

Legally, the GOP faces a tough case. Politically, however, raising the perjury allegations would be a way to keep the issue of Clinton’s truthfulness in the public eye throughout the fall as she battles Republican nominee Donald Trump for the White House.

And you can bet the Democrats on the committee will scream to high heaven that this is all politically motivated. No surprise there since the Democrats are as corrupt as the Nazi’s and Communists. They will never punish one of their own.

Proving that someone committed perjury means overcoming a high hurdle: that the person knowingly told a falsehood under oath.


Hello, Hillary Clinton! The woman is a pathological liar. She will lie when telling the truth would be better for her. If it’s something that affects her negatively, she will lie through her teeth.

Convincing lawyers at the Department of Justice to take the case would also be difficult, because prosecutors would have to prove that what the former secretary of State said during the 11-hour hearing was directly at odds with the truth.

There is no case,” said Stephen Ryan, a former federal prosecutor and general counsel for the Democratic-run Senate Government Affairs Committee, bluntly.

Even if you tried to step back from the politically laden nature that this was the Democratic presidential nominee and you look at it, there’s no way the Department of Justice would touch a case like that.”

There’s just no appeal to this case, other than the political appeal,” added Ryan, who said he is not involved in the presidential race.

Unfortunately, this jerk is correct. The Department of Justice has already proven they have been completely corrupted and will never prosecute a Clinton for anything. Other than that, Ryan is just another Democrat. Corrupt as the day is long. Even if the GOP representatives drop a nice, tight little package, all gift wrapped and ready for a grand jury, he won’t believe Cankles is guilty.

The GOP heads of the House Judiciary and Oversight committees outlined the potential case against Clinton in a joint letter this week to Washington’s top federal prosecutor.

In their six-page letter, Reps. Bob Goodlatte (Va.) and Jason Chaffetz (Utah) pointed to four instances during which the former secretary of State “appear[ed] to implicate” two criminal laws barring perjury and false statements.

The evidence collected by the [FBI] during its investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal email system during her time as secretary of State appears to directly contradict several aspects of her sworn testimony,” they told U.S. Attorney Channing Phillips.

Gee, ya think? Cankles has not stopped lying about that since the story broke over a year ago. She recently tried to push this all on Colin Powell, saying he had advised her not to use the State Department’s email system. Powell avoided the bus, and instead threw Cankles under it instead, saying that he didn’t recall the conversation and that when he sent her a note explaining what he did, it was a year after Cankles had set up her home email server.

Thrown under the bus

Goodlatte and Chaffetz, in their letter, noted that the FBI discovered classification markings on three of the emails in Clinton’s inbox, seemingly disproving her assertion that “nothing was marked classified at the time I sent or received it.”

But in a letter to Capitol Hill this week, the FBI’s congressional liaison noted that those markings were incomplete, might have been made in error and were buried in a chain of emails.

The fact that Clinton received messages with those partial markings, Jason Herring wrote, “is not clear evidence of knowledge or intent.”

There we are again with that red herring of “Intent.” This is something that Comey came up with even though, under the statute Clinton should have been charged with, intent is not considered. There are plenty of people in jail or on trial who have done far less than Clinton did.

Democrats have written off the GOP’s call for a prosecution, insisting that the move is merely a political gesture meant to attack Clinton’s credibility.

They don’t need to attack Clinton’s credibility. She destroys it every time she opens her mouth.

It is clear that Secretary Clinton was telling the truth based on the facts she had at the time, and this Republican perjury referral is making a mockery out of congressional authority and trivializing our procedures for political purposes,” Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), the ranking member of the Oversight panel, said in a statement.

eye roll

Elijah Cummings is a dirtbag. He is unfit to hold office. His actions during the Benghazi hearings should have gotten him thrown off the committee, and frankly, he should be expelled from Congress. He is everything that is wrong with the modern Democrat party.

Typical Democrat Voter

To be sure, Clinton has repeatedly made statements about her email system over the course of the last year and a half that were later proven false by the FBI. She has been forced to walk back her claims that there was no classified information on the messages she sent and received. A total of 113 emails contained information that was classified at the time the messages were sent, Comey asserted last month.

So basically, Hillary Clinton lied. The question is, did she lie under oath to Congress and/or the FBI? The odds are, she did.


She also insisted that all of the work-related emails were given to the State Department for safekeeping, though in fact thousands were marked as personal and deleted.

And, as we have seen in the last week, those pesky emails are popping up all over the place, apparenlty showing that Cankles sold her office as Secretary of State for bribes donations to the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation.

The FBI has every right to launch a preliminary investigation into allegations that she lied to Congress based on the recommendation of the GOP chairmen, noted Gillers, the professor from New York University. But unless they can dig up concrete proof that Clinton knew she was lying under oath, the probe might end there.

If the case were just, ‘Did Hillary Clinton tell things to Congress that turned out not to be true?’ I think the answer there is, yes,” said Tyler Doyle, a partner at the Houston-based law firm Smyser Kaplan & Veselka.

Can it be said with certainty, beyond a reasonable doubt, that she willfully made such a statement?” he added.

That’s tougher.”

Actually, if they can find information she lied about, then it won’t be hard to prove she did it willfully. Just listen to her excuses and outright denials in the face of hard evidence and you can see she will lie to your face. Honestly, if the FBI actually would do their job, Hillary Clinton could easily be shown to have lied under oath.

The sad fact is, the Democrats have completely trashed the Federal Government. And to be honest, they had help from the Republicans. If Hillary Clinton manages to sleaze her way into the White House, brace yourselves. We could literally see the end of the Republic and possibly of these United States. We won’t like what comes next.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to House Preps perjury charges against Clinton

  1. bbuddha says:

    Ah H3ll. For a second there I forgot that she is pure evil and protected by the might of Soros. The repukes in the house have no balz, even if they miraculously find some neither the FBI or DOJ is going to do crap. As for the propaganda arm of the DNC. They will continue to ignore everything that might be negative about the cankled one.
    We need a miracle!


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