Not every woman supports Cankles

Good day all. I saw these videos early this morning on the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler. The videos are essentially self explanatory, however I’ll give you a brief overview.


The first one is a message to Hillary Clinton by a very intelligent and rather attractive young woman named Emily Longworth. In it, she basically gives Cankles a piece of her mind and also lets fly at the morons who will vote for Hillary Clinton no matter what. Her language is a tad on the strong side, but please watch the whole thing.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

Wow! She really let fly at Cankles, listing her decades of lies and corruption. The video was made in February when people actually thought that Comrade Bernie Sanders actually had a shot at the nomination. As we have since learned, the entire Democrat primary was rigged in favor of Cankles from the get go. Also, at the time, we actually believed that the FBI would recommend a criminal prosecution of Cankles. Who knew that the so called “Apolitical, will do the right thing” Director of the FBI, James “The Coward” Comey would whitewash the case against Hillary Clinton?

evil hillary2

At the time of that video, it wasn’t certain that Trump would go the distance. The big money, in more ways then one, was on Jeb! Bush winning the nomination. As we saw, Juan Ellis Bush had his head handed to him.

Jeb obama bush

I suspect she is going to vote for Donald Trump.

Donald Trump

In the interests of fair play, which is something Democrats never indulge in, Ms. Longsworth also sent a message to Donald Trump. In this case, it wasn’t listing all the criminal acts he’s committed, for the simple reason, he hasn’t committed any. This one is more of a call to Trump not to lead people on and then, like the five Republican nominees, screwed over the GOP base. Observe…

[youtuber youtube=’’]

I can understand why she said what she did to Donald Trump. However, this was done back in May, before Trump secured the nomination. I think Ms. Longworth will not be disappointed by President Trump. He’s already showing that he doesn’t claim to be the smartest person in the room, and is starting the process of gathering some very bright people to advise him. There’s already talk of John Bolton as Secretary of State, and he has been talking to Mr. Trump.

A tip of of the hat to Ms. Longworth for both of these videos.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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