Trump on Immigration

Good day all. Last week Donald Trump started talking about some of the details on his Immigration plan. The left wing media, NeverTrumpers and Rinos4Hillary instantly jumped on it and said that Trump was reversing his original stance of mass roundups and deportations.


As usual, the Morons of the Media didn’t actually bother to study what Donald Trump said. He did walk back the general round up a bit, but anyone with any sort of a clue would know just how difficult that would have been logistically. The general idea is to make life so difficult for criminal aliens that they will self deport and we won’t have to go looking for them.

There was also a few other details regarding Amnesty for Criminals and a few other things, all of which were taken out of context. Trump spoke about all this Saturday, promising to start deportations of Criminal Illegal Aliens within an hour of taking the oath of office. Here are the details from Fox News:

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump vowed Saturday to deport “criminal illegal immigrants … within one hour” of his inauguration if he is elected in November.


Interesting how that can be taken, since anyone in the country illegally is by definition, a criminal. Of course, what Trump means are all those illegals who have been arrested for committing other criminal acts besides being in the United States unlawfully.

Trump’s promise, made during a speech in Iowa, came after several days of accusations that the real estate mogul had backed down on his signature issue to appeal to undecided general election voters. In an appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity” Tuesday night, Trump told a town hall audience in Austin, Texas that he was open to “softening” current federal immigration law.

“There could certainly be a softening because we’re not looking to hurt people,” Trump said at the time. “We want to follow the laws, you know, we have very strong laws in this country. And you know Bush, and even Obama, sends people back. Now, we can be more aggressive on that but we want to follow the laws.”

I can see where that can be misconstrued, but consider that Trump said “Follow the laws”. Currently, Obama outright ignores the laws on immigration. I don’t see what he said as “Softening” anything.

On Saturday, however, Trump said the media had “missed the whole point on immigration …They take phrases and statements, chop them up, take them out of context and discuss them for days.”


We already know that the Mostly Stupid Media won’t use actual quoted from Trump, or they edit what he actually says to alter the meaning. Usually, there comes a point with Trump where he comes out and corrects the record…loudly.

Trump also said that he was developing an “exit-entry tracking system to ensure those who overstay their visas, that they’re quickly removed.” The proposal echoed the language of Trump’s former primary rival, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who is now advising him.

I don’t recall what The Jersey Whale’s idea was, so I won’t comment on it. However, tracking the criminal aliens coming in is a major issue right now and does need to be fixed.

“My priority is the well-being of 300 million American citizens, including millions of Hispanic citizens and legal residents who want a secure border, and I mean secure,” said Trump, who maintained his vow to build a wall across America’s southern border.

However, during his appearance on “Hannity” this week, Trump said his administration would be willing to “work with” illegal immigrants.

“They’ll pay back-taxes, they have to pay taxes, there’s no amnesty, as such, there’s no amnesty, but we work with them,” Trump said.

And that was where the Media decided Trump had reversed himself. They didn’t actually ask him to clarify the statement, they just decided they would tell people what they think Trump meant.


The Republican nominee’s campaign has twice canceled scheduled speeches where Trump was expected to detail his immigration policy. Trump told Fox News Friday that he would deliver such a speech within the next two weeks.

I’m not surprised he canceled those speeches. He is working on a formal policy, and from what I’ve seen, Trump doesn’t release anything until he’s good and ready. Preparing a major overhaul of the immigration system is not something you do on the spur of the moment, something certain, (all), the morons in congress should think about.


One of the thing I’ve heard Trump say is that if people currently in the country illegally wanted to become legal, they would have to leave first. I’ve said that myself for years. I’d also add that if you’ve been caught and deported once, then you are out permanently. As for those brought in as children, say under 12 years of age, who have grown up and generally assimilated, we can look into that situation n a case by case basis. They were minors and not legally able to make any decisions coming into the United States. In any case, we shall see what Trump has in mind soon enough.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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