CNN belittles AP scoop on Hillary Clinton

Good day all. Last week, Associated Press broke a story regarding the apparent “Pay to Play” scandal during Hillary Clinton’s stint as Secretary of State. The story revolved around Clinton’s email, and her State Department calendar.


The calendar showed that a large number of “visitors” to Clinton also happened to be very large donors to the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation. The Clinton campaign denied that anything untoward was going on, like selling her office for bribes, but that was to be expected.


Many news agencies subscribed to AP and ran the story. Two that didn’t were CNN, (The Clinton News Network) and The New York Slime Times. Yesterday, CNN decided to go after the Associated Press for daring to actually do real reporting. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Days after The Associated Press reported on how big donors to the Clinton Foundation got face time with then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, CNN took the wire service to task for daring to publish the bombshell.


On the news network’s “Reliable Sources” show on Sunday, host Brian Stelter suggested it wasn’t a story worthy of publication, and accused AP Executive Editor Kathleen Carroll of running with the story only to justify a six-year investigation.

And there are wider questions about why the AP published the story at all,” Stelter said. “They had conducted a long investigation; did they just want to show they had done the work, did they just want to show they found something, even if it didn’t amount to much?”

eye roll

The Associated Press report found that at least 85 of 154 people who got an audience with Clinton while she led the State Department had donated to her family charity. Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million and included private citizens with business before the government. It’s as close to a “pay to play” smoking gun as has emerged to date.

If this had been anyone else, especially if it were a Republican, CNN would be all over this like white on rice. However, since this is the Clinton News Network, where nothing bad is ever said about their masters, covering up for the Clinton Crime Cartel is the first, last and only order of business.

The meetings between the Democratic presidential nominee and foundation donors do not appear to violate legal agreements Clinton and former President Bill Clinton signed before she joined the State Department in 2009,” the AP wrote.

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But the frequency of the overlaps shows the intermingling of access and donations, and fuels perceptions that giving the foundation money was a price of admission for face time with Clinton.”

Perception? The Clintons have a decades long history of graft, greed, corruption as well as a complete lack of ethics. The only groups that have been investigated as much as they have is the old Italian Mafia. They finally got them too, which should concern the Clintons.

While most media outlets who subscribe to the AP published the story, The New York Times did not. But it was unclear whether the “paper of record” passed on the scoop because it was deemed not newsworthy or if it was for another reason.


That reason? Marching orders from the Clintons.

Stelter made it clear he thought little of the story.


Did you feel the pressure to publish SOMETHING even though so many critics have said it didn’t amount to much?” he persisted to Carroll.

And what critics would that be? Why that would be everyone working at CNN! The fact that the Clinton State Department fought tooth and nail to avoid releasing Cankles date book is reason enough to ask what they were trying to hide.

The question for me is, why has the State Department and the Clinton administration– I mean the Clinton State Department and beyond fought so hard to keep these calendars from us,” Carroll replied to Stelter. She also informed him it took them more than six years, a court battle, and a judge’s ruling to receive only Clinton’s first two years’ worth of calendars.

The general reaction to the AP story from CNN has been “LA LA LA LA LA…I can’t hear you, you slimy good for nothing traitor to your class!”

Also over the weekend, CNN reporter Dylan Byers called the AP story “arguably misleading,” because the journalistic organization sent an “inaccurate tweet” promoting the story by claiming that “more than half” of the people who met Clinton while she was secretary of state had also donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Byers’ point was that the calendars cited by the AP did not include other meetings with government employees, foreign representatives, civil leaders, journalists and others.

I think we call that “Clutching at straws.” What you do need to consider is this number: $156 million dollars. That’s how much these people paid the Clintons for access. That doesn’t matter to the Clinton rump swabs of Clinton News Network. They will, like their masters, attack anyone personally for daring to question her royal highness, Hillary Clinton.


NewsBusters noted that Stelter’s umbrage at the AP for the damning story seemed to extend to Carroll personally, when he took what seemed to be a swipe at her over the errant tweet.

[Tweets are] probably a problem or a challenge YOU didn’t face when you took over the AP years ago,” he said.

So Stelter’s whole argument on outright rejecting the AP story revolves around a 140 character message that might not have the best mathematics in it?


CNN’s numbers have been dropping sharply, and it could be said it’s their coverage of Obama and Clinton, or should I say lack of coverage. Cover up’s seem to be the style of CNN these days. Along with the New York Slime Times, they will do whatever they are ordered to do by Clinton and her master, George Soros. Eventually, they will have to face the music over their blatant propagandizing for Clinton.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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