The Trump’s answer to David Duke

Good day all. Earlier this year, Noted scumbag racist pig, David Duke decided to announce his support for Donald Trump. Trump didn’t instantly denounce Duke since he was working on other things. This led the usual suspects on the left to scream “Trump is a racist! He didn’t denounce David Duke in 2 seconds!”


This was absolute garbage of course. Trump’s only use for David Duke and other scum like him is fertilizer and worm food. Yesterday, Eric Trump clarified things for people on the Ross Kaminsky show. Here are the details from Fox News:

Eric Trump didn’t just disavow David Duke – the GOP presidential nominee’s son said Thursday the white supremacist and former Ku Klux Klan leader “does deserve a bullet.”

Speaking to Denver radio host Ross Kaminsky, the mogul’s son and surrogate reacted to Kaminsky’s comment that Duke, who has offered unwelcome support for Donald Trump,”desperately deserves a bullet in the head.”

“If I said exactly what you said, I’d get killed for it,” Trump replied. “But I think I’ll say it anyway: the guy does deserve a bullet.”

Donald Trump

If I were David Duke, I would be a little bit worried. I’ve seen Eric’s brother, Don Jr.’s marksmanship and I have little doubt it runs in the family. If Duke or his KKK Scum buddies were to try anything, which they won’t since they are gutless wimps, it would be them who would be well ventilated. However, this garbage that Trump is a racist is still being pushed by one of the biggest racists around, Barack Obama.


Also on Thursday, President Obama told a Hillary Clinton rally in North Carolina that Trump has the support of the KKK.

A typical tolerant Democrat

Obama has, in less than 8 years, destroyed 50 years of improvement in relations between Americans of different ethnic backgrounds. If Dr. Martin Luther King were alive today, I think he would look on Obama with utter contempt, then announce his support for Donald Trump.

“I commend my father,” the younger Trump said. “My father’s the first Republican who’s gone out and said, ‘Listen, what’s happened to the African-American community is horrible and I’m going to take care of it.’”

He’s right. The Democrats have never been for the Americans of recent African decent. In fact, they have pulled the greatest con job in history on them. They took credit for all the civil rights work going back to the Civil War, (Which they started so they could keep their slaves). Now that Trump appears to be making inroads into the Black community, the Democrats are panicking and resorting to their usual crap. However, it might not work this time. We’ll find out on Tuesday.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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