Clinton scandals coming to a head

Good day all. With less than a week before the election, the news and rumors coming out regarding Felonia von Pantsuit, her husband Bubba Horndog and the Clinton Foundation are increasing at a geometric rate.


Last night, Fox News’s Bret Baeir reported that he had information from multiple sources that the investigations into the Clinton Foundation were far more extensive then was generally known. There is also a new rumor that the Clintons are even dirtier than anyone realized. We already know about the “Pay for Play” stuff, but now there is a rumor that the Clintons were also involved sex trafficking involving children and teenagers. Here is that report.

[youtuber youtube=’’]

This report has to be taken with a large dose of salt, as they say. While I can see the Clintons, particularly Felonia, selling their offices for cash, and while I could believe that Bubba Horndog would indulge himself with 13 year old girls, getting actively involved with the buying and selling of children does seem a bit over the top, even for a psychopath like Hillary Clinton.


Since the news last week that James Comey was reopening the investigation into Felonia von Pantsuit’s email, the Democrats have been in a blind panic. They are now demanding that Comey resign. Just a few months ago, they were singing his praises for burying the investigation into Felonia and her minions.

Thanks to Anthony “Carlos Danger” Wiener’s inability to “keep it in his pants”, the NYPD has been investigating him and with the local FBI office, took control of the family laptop to see if he had any kiddy porn on it. (I suspect not but then he is a perv) When the NYPD and FBI began digging into that laptop they found a backup of Huma Abedin’s phone and all the email she had, some 650,000 messages.

hillary shocked

They did a quick search and saw that some of it came from the Clinton’s mail server. That triggered the request for a new search warrant, and now it appears that Huma may have most, if not all of the missing messages. Reports indicate that at least some of these messages are new, in that they weren’t handed over.

Since last weekend, Huma hasn’t been seen publicly. Carlos Danger has hidden himself in a clinic for sex addiction. There are rumors that both of them are seeking to make a deal with the FBI. Considering that any immunity agreements that Huma made are probably going to be invalidated, I suspect that the deals will not come with any immunity agreement, only a plea agreement.


We’ve also had a report that there has been collusion between the State Department and the Clinton campaign, and that the DOJ official running the reopened email case apparently gave John Podesta a “Heads Up” warning that congress might want to question Felonia’s minions.


The major networks, excluding Fox News, have been not only ignoring the Clinton scandals, they have been actively working to suppress them. This has blown up in their faces to the extent that people are no longer paying any attention to them.


Whatever happens, we are in for interesting times next year. We will either have the Trump Administration, working to implement things like the Trump Wall, or we will be seeing President Hillary Clinton facing impeachment before she even has her state of the Clintons Union address. If the reports in the video above are even close to being true, we could see wholesale arrests of not only the Clinton’s and their minions, but hundreds of politicians and operatives. If Clinton wins Tuesday, I dont’ want to think what the United States will look like in a year.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Clinton scandals coming to a head

  1. The Deplorable VonZorch says:

    If Killery wins the cold civil war will go hot shortly.


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