Iran sending troops into U.S?

Good day all. There is a report that Iran is sending special operations assets into Europe and the United States. I’m guessing they think that their bought and paid for politician, Felonia von Pantsuit is going to win the election.


Considering the damage done to the border security by Obama, this may actually be a test run to see if the Iranians will be able to smuggle nukes into the United States. Or they may be looking to set up safe houses for future terrorist attacks. In any case, here are the details from Fox News:

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, the country’s elite military force, is sending assets to infiltrate the United States and Europe at the direction of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, according to recent Farsi-language comments from an Iranian military leader.

The IRGC “will be in the U.S. and Europe very soon,” according to the Iranian military commander, who said that these forces would operate with the goal of bolstering Iran’s hardline regime and thwarting potential plots against the Islamic Republic.

The whole world should know that the IRGC will be in the U.S. and Europe very soon,” Salar Abnoush, deputy coordinator of Iran’s Khatam-al-Anbia Garrison, an IRGC command front, was quoted as saying in an Iranian state-controlled publication closely tied to the IRGC.

Now Iran has a long history of blowing smoke. As any professional military or intelligence service will tell you, you do not telegraph your punches, (Unless you’re that SCoaMF, Barack Obama), unless there is some tactical or strategic reason for doing so.

The military leader’s comments come as Iran is spending great amounts of money to upgrade its military hardware and bolster its presence throughout the Middle East and beyond. Iran intends to spend billions to purchase U.S.-made planes that are likely to be converted for use in its air force.

And we can thank John “Ketchup Boy” Kerry, Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama for that. Now we’re seeing the results of giving Iran billions of dollars in ransom payments instead of a few million dollars in cruise missiles.


If Iran were to actually try and do this and get caught, well under the von Pantsuit administration, a few million dollars and any problems will go away. Now under President Donald Trump, if Iran does this, more than likely Tehran will be going away.

nuclear blast

Thanks to the bumbling incompetence of Obama, Kerry and Clinton, the world is in a place not seen since the 1930’s with the rise of the Nazi’s and the Imperial Japanese. If Felonia manages to sleaze her way in, and can fight off the morons in Congress who, by rights, should impeach and remove her and Kaine, World War 3 is likely to happen and we are likely to lose. Think about that.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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