John Kasich, sore loser

Good day all. If there was ever a more despicable member of the Establishment Republican party, you would be hard pressed to find one like Ohio Governor, John Kasich.


Kasich ran for president and managed to chalk up one win in the Primaries, his own state of Ohio. He lost every other one, coming in second at best. Long after the other RINO’s saw the writing on the wall and pulled the plug on their failed candidacies, Kasich stayed in until the very end. After it was obvious that Donald Trump was going to be the nominee, Kasich refused to support him and started working with the NeverTrumpers, hoping that they could rig the convention in some way and hand him the nomination.

Evil Grin

The reason that Kasich failed so miserably in the primaries was his stand on the issues. They were slightly, very slightly to the right of Bernie Sanders and Felonia von Pantsuit. He supports open borders, amnesty for illegal aliens, Obamacare, gun control, pretty much everything the Democrats want.


During the primary season, the candidates were asked if they would agree to support the nominee. There was some issue with Trump, however he did give his word to support whoever the voters chose. So did the other candidates. Most of them have, to one extent or another, kept their word. Kasich is not one of them. Yesterday he demonstrated why he will never be president when he pulled an early ballot and wrote in Senator John McCain. Here are the details from

Gov. John Kasich, who had vowed not to vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, voted Monday by absentee ballot. His choice? Sen. John McCain of Arizona.

eye roll

Chris Schrimpf, the governor’s political spokesman, confirmed the write-in vote to and said Kasich voted straight-ticket Republican on the rest of his ballot. Schrimpf added that Kasich was comfortable picking McCain, the 2008 GOP nominee for president, over Trump, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Libertarian Gary Johnson, a former Republican on the ballot as a nonpartisan candidate.

John McCain

I’m not surprised at one failure supporting another failure. The only reason McCain wasn’t crushed by 25 points was the work of Governor Sarah Palin. Many people, including myself, were voting for her, not “McSlime”. The idea was she would be sworn in, then McCain would drop dead a week or so after taking office. Unfortunately, McStoopid basically threw away the election and we have been stuck with King Putt for 8 ling, miserable years.

The vote essentially is a symbolic gesture. Because McCain is not among the 18 certified write-in candidates in Ohio, Kasich’s vote for president will not count.


So this fool just threw his vote away? Why am I not surprised?

After video surfaced last month of Trump speaking of women in lewd and sexually aggressive terms, Kasich confirmed the New York businessman had lost his vote.

“Donald Trump is a man I cannot and should not support,” Kasich said in an Oct. 8 statement. “The actions of the last day are disgusting, but that’s not why I reached this decision, it has been an accumulation of his words and actions that many have been warning about. I will not vote for a nominee who has behaved in a manner that reflects so poorly on our country. Our country deserves better.”


And in this morons mind, better would be, wait for it, John Kasich!!! That video was done 11 years ago. It was sat on for a decade. When it was released, it was intended as an “October Surprise” with the goal of forcing Trump to step aside. As we now know, the planned coup failed. Trump is still in, and thanks to another “October Surprise” Felonia von Pantsuit, the NeverTrumpers and RINOs4Hillary’s are seeing their hope of another Clinton administration sinking beneath the waves.

Titanic sinking

Oh yes, we have had a number of so called Republican’s announce that they would vote for the most corrupt presidential candidate in a century rather than support the person chosen by the Republican base. Kasich has shown his true colors. He is a lying, slimy crap weasel. I don’t know if he can or will run for a third term as governor, but if he does, I hope the people of Ohio show this fraud the door.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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