Hillary Clinton, Let’s Draft Women!

Good day all. This story came out just before the news that the FBI was reopening the investigation into Felonia von Pantsuit’s email. Hillary Clinton, that champion of Women everywhere, wants to conscript them into the military.

evil hillary2

Currently, all men have to register for the draft when they reach 18. This was done by the order of the last major Democrat disaster of a president, James Earl Carter when the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. He did this to show that he “Meant business” after the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979.


At this time, no one wants to reactivate conscription, other, it seems, than Democrats. Representative Charlie Rangle, (D-NY), is always trying to re-institute the draft even thought the military doesn’t want it. Last month, Felonia von Pantsuit said, that while she supports a volunteer military, if we went back to conscription, she would draft women. Here are the details from Politico:

Hillary Clinton supports a measure that would require women to register for the draft. The former secretary of state told the Huffington Post Wednesday that she is in favor of a legislative amendment that would for the first time compel women to register with the Selective Service System. That legislation passed the Senate Wednesday as part of the National Defense Authorization Act, which cleared the upper chamber on a bipartisan, 85-13 vote.

heil hillary

I will be honest and say I wasn’t aware of this bill that would require women to register for the draft. I was unlucky enough to have to fill out the card, missing the cutoff by one month. While I’m also opposed to conscription except in cases of outright national survival, (Such as World War Two), I also think women should get drafted, just like men. Clinton, on the other hand is just fine with sending teenage girls off to be captured by ISIS and used as sex slaves.

I am on record as supporting the all-volunteer military, which I think at this time does serve our country well,” Clinton said. “And I am very committed to supporting and really lifting up the men and women in uniform and their families.”

eye roll

The amendment requiring women to sign up for the draft was popular among Democrats and some Republicans, including Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), both of whom praised the move.

So, we have another Democrat woman and a RINO woman…oh, I’m sorry, I forgot that Lindsey Graham is a man…of sorts, who think this is just a peachy idea. However, quite a few Republicans think this is a really lousy idea.

The legislation drew criticism from more conservative senators though: Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) both opposed the amendment and worked to strip it from the defense authorization act.

The idea that we should forcibly conscript young girls into combat, to my mind, makes little or no sense,” Cruz told POLITICO Pro. “It is at a minimum a radical proposition. I could not vote for a bill that did so, particularly that did so without public debate.”

What I see here is the fine hand of Political Correctness being waved about. Since Der Fubar took office, his cronies have been doing everything they can to wreck the United States Military. They have been working to remove restrictions on women in front line infantry units, and have tried to get them into the special schools, such as the Army’s Ranger School, to show people that women can serve in the front lines.

There is a small problem that keeps cropping up. Women generally are smaller then men, and they do not have the upper body strength that men have. Currently, an infantryman carries up to 100+ pounds of equipment. He also weighs in at about 180 pounds. (All this within the normal variations) A woman generally is 4-6” shorter and weighs in at 115 pounds. (Again, allow for normal variations) Women would end up carrying their own weight in equipment. Yeah, it isn’t going to happen.

Now this isn’t to say women can’t serve in a combat position. You just have to take in their natural limitations and put them where they don’t need as much upper body strength. For instance, women, no thanks to former Colorado Senator Patricia Schroeder, make very fine pilots and aviators. Modern aircraft use power assisted controls that don’t require the strength that the old WW2 planes did.

There is also another problem with conscripting women. Most of them won’t want to go. Those that do, have already enlisted. Women will have one sure way of getting out of the draft, and it won’t be running to Canada. If their number comes up, they will simply get pregnant. There is no way anyone is going to willingly send a new mother off someplace where she can be killed. The day they announce the conscription of draft age women, 9+ months later we will be having a major “Baby boom”.

irish Eyes

So all you collage age women who are voting for Felonia von Pantsuit? You might want to rethink that. She does not support women. She supports herself. Chelsea Clinton is outside the age range to be conscripted, so Hillary isn’t concerned about sending her off to be a sex slave of ISIS. The rest of you? It will be a shaved head and a drill instructor screaming at you for a couple of months, then off to the front. That is what Hillary Clinton plans for you.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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