Will Europe ever learn?

Good day all. Last week, there was an incident at the Orly Airport in France. A man jumped a female soldier and took her rifle from her and fled into a nearby McDonalds. Police later killed the man.

What wasn’t reported was the one thing everyone was waiting for. Was this just a simple nutcase or was their a “Religious” element to it. Well the answer has finally been released.

The attacker is a career criminal who decided to go Jihad. Here are the details from the Daily Mail:

A convicted criminal with links to radical Islam shouted ‘I am here to die for Allah, there will be deaths’ seconds before he was shot dead during an attack at Paris Orly airport.

Well he was right. There were deaths. Actually death, in the singular. As in the French police blew his Jihadi head off.

The 39-year-old, named locally as career criminal Ziyed Ben Belgacem, was killed after wrestling a soldier’s gun from her and fleeing into a McDonald’s. He sent a text message to his brother and father stating ‘I shot the police’, shortly before he was killed. Revealing his chilling final words, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said an anti-terrorist enquiry had been launched.

Less than two hours before he was killed, he had shot a female police officer in the head in a northern Paris suburb after being stopped for speeding.

According to the Guardian, the police woman wasn’t seriously injured. The Guardian story also said that the scumbag jumped a female soldier but wasn’t able to get her rifle, and that her compatriots are the ones who shot this fornicator of goats down. However, there are pictures in the Daily Mail story of the happily deceased showing him with a French rifle slung on his chest.

I suspect that he did get it away from her, but it either wasn’t loaded or she didn’t have a round in the chamber and he couldn’t figure out how to work the action. The standard French rifle is a bullpup and the action is odd if you have never handled one before. Since it appears that he never used it, I suspect he didn’t know how.

In any case, the right person ended up dead. What’s bother me is yet again we have a government initially avoiding the use of Islamic Terrorist in describing the Islamic Terrorist. This is endemic in Europe, and up until January 20th, was also a problem in the United States.

Thankfully, the United States elected a man who doesn’t try and deny the fact that Islamic terrorists are out there. No, the problem is in Europe where you have governments that will not accept reality. It’s beginning to look like the European people have had enough and might be looking to make some serious changes. We’ll see if they do or not.

Eastern Europe isn’t having a problem since they’ve outright refused to allow Islamic “Refugees” into their countries. Even in the face of threats by the European Union, they’ve stood fast. Of course, they also have a long history with Islam and fully understand that about the only way to deal with them is by utilizing the Vlad Tepes method of diplomacy.

If Western Europe doesn’t come to their senses, and soon, they are lost and will become an Islamic state with all that entails. I’ve linked to it in the past, but it bears repeating. Tom Kratman’s book, Caliphate, was meant as a novel, not a tome of prescience. If you’ve never read this book, get it and read it soon.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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