Cinco de Mayo canceled in Philadelphia

Good day all. There is sad news from Philadelphia. They’ve decided to cancel Cinco de Mayo day. Why? They are concerned that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, (ICE), is going to show up and arrest everybody.

For those who don’t know, Cinco de Mayo day is a Mexican holiday. (And here I thought it was a celebration of the invention of Mayonnaise. I stand corrected) It’s a big thing among Lawful Immigrants of Mexican decent. It’s right up there with St. Patrick’s Day for the Irish, and Chinese New year. In other words, a great excuse to have a party. So why did Philly cancel it? Here are the details from The Hill:

El Carnaval de Puebla, a major Cinco De Mayo celebration in Philadelphia, has been canceled following recent federal immigration crackdowns, organizers said.

Ok, would you care to explain this for our viewing audience? Why would Americans of Mexican decent and Lawful Mexican immigrants have anything to worry about from ICE agents showing up?

Edgar Ramirez told a local NBC affiliate that as many as 15,000 people gather for the annual parade through South Philadelphia, marking the city’s largest Cinco de Mayo celebration.

15,000? Is that all? Come on, we can do better then that!

Ramirez told NBC the decision was “sad but responsible” amid reports of more immigration enforcement arrests on the part of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

Still confused here. ICE isn’t going after American Citizens or lawful resident aliens. They are going after criminal illegal aliens who aren’t supposed to be here in the first place. Or is the problem that you want open borders and an end to the United States of America as a sovereign, independent nation?

Ramirez said that the Mexican-American community, including both legal and illegal residents, was disheartened by reports of large-scale arrests.

“The group of six organizers decided to cancel unanimously,” Ramirez said. “Everyone is offended by the actions of ICE. They did not feel comfortable holding the event.”

Ah! I see now. You are supporting criminals. You must be a Progressive Liberal Democrat then.

Hundreds of undocumented immigrants have been detained or arrested since President Trump took office. Trump campaigned on a pledge to strengthen enforcement of immigration laws.

ICE announced this week alone that 248 people in Pennsylvania, Delaware and West Virginia were in federal custody awaiting deportation following two weeks of immigration raids.

Well, I call that a good start. However, I’ve heard that ICE isn’t doing general roundups at things like Cinco de Mayo parades. Why? Simple really. The only way they could do it would be to set up road blocks and force everyone through check points, demanding “Paper please.” They don’t do that and we would prefer that not happen.

No, what ICE has been doing is hitting businesses employing illegal aliens, as well as picking up illegals already in custody for other crimes and who are being held in local jails. As far as I can see, the organizers in Philadelphia shut this down simply to be complete and total dicks, nothing more. But then, Progressive Liberal’s have always been nothing more than dicks, and flaccid ones at that.

Since the Progressive Liberal Limp Dicks want to ruin everyone’s fun for a political statement, allow me to try and make it up to you.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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