EPA now being forced to do it’s actual job

Good day all. The Environmental Protection Agency was set up decades ago to help clean up polluted air and water. They did a fairly good job at it too. However, rather then slowly fade away, they went in the other direction and began grabbing more money and authority unto themselves.

Since the major issues of water pollution and air pollution had been dealt with, the fanatics infesting the agency decided to climb aboard the Global Warming Express. (Now renamed the Climate Change Special) Instead of following their mandates of keeping the air and water clean, they decided that it was their job to basically end modern life, and in many cases, drive people from their homes, all in the name of “Saving the planet.”

With the confirmation of Scott Pruitt as the new head of the EPA, along with the election of Donald Trump, the EPA is now being redirected away from their totalitarian power grabs, and back to what they should be doing. Cleaning the air and water and not destroying the country. Here are some of the details on this from the Washington Examiner:

While critics and supporters alike pore over President Trump’s proposed federal budget to pinpoint programs that will suffer and savings that will benefit taxpayers, President Trump’s vision of the federal budget includes welcome reform at the Environmental Protection Agency.

It would slash appropriations for the EPA’s climate programs; instead of global warming, the budget “reorients EPA’s air program to protect the air we breathe.” From this statement, it is safe to infer that President Trump intends to refocus the agency on doing its job as intended by the Congress.

Over the last decade, climate change has become the EPA’s number one priority.

Climate change is the new thing after the complete collapse of Global Warming due to on going blizzards, snow storms and frigid temperatures.

A look back shows that the EPA’s shift in focus to climate change accelerated during the Obama administration. In 2014, for example, then-EPA administrator Gina McCarthy told reporters that “all hands on deck” at the agency were working on President Barack Obama’s climate action plan.

As we all know, the “Climate Change” mantra was being used for one purpose. To centralize power in the hands of the Progressive Elite. However, they ran into a few problems with their “Cunning plans.”

There are three major problems with the EPA’s climate tunnel vision over the past few years.

Only three?

First, the EPA’s climate regulations will not have an impact on the climate, and the agency concedes this. To wit, the Clean Power Plan, which is the crown jewel of the agency’s climate rules, would prevent sea level rise equivalent to the width of three sheets of paper.

Obviously, these idiots never heard of King Canute.

Second, the EPA’s increasing pre-occupation with the climate does not gibe with polling data demonstrating that American voters give low priority to climate change, even among environmental issues.

That’s due to the annoying facts that the EPA bureaucrats have their collective heads shoved deeply up the ass’s of unicorns, and are sniffing deeply. In other words, they have no idea what is actually going on and don’t care. The American voters, on the other hand, have to pay bills and shovel climate change off their driveways in order to get to jobs that the EPA wants to shut down.

Third, and most important, the EPA’s turn to climate policy conflicts with the agency’s responsibilities as determined by Congress.

Congress? All the EPA cares about is congress shoveling more money at them.

The statutes that empower the EPA are rife with deadlines that reflect the nuts and bolts of environmental protection. The problem is that the agency is ignoring these statutory duties in order to pursue its narrow climate agenda.

And here we have a problem with Congress not doing its job either. For decades, they’ve allowed the EPA to run not just rampant, but amok, trampling the constitution and the rights of Americans. We also have the EPA’s recent history of being an actual polluter rather then an agency that cleans up things. Now we have President Donald J. Trump, and Scott Pruitt heading up the agency. Mr. Pruitt, as Attorney General of his state, sued the EPA many times for their blatant overreach and outright unlawful actions.

With his appointment and confirmation, the EPA is now faced with the fact that the fox is now guarding the hen house. It’s only been a few weeks, but Mr. Pruitt is already starting to shake things up. Once he has his people fully in place, I expect to see a serious house cleaning as the religious fanatics from the Church of Global Warming are flushed out and sent to count polar bears in Alaska.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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