Felonia von Pantsuit still angry at Comey

Good day all. Recently, James Comey was called to testify to Congress on the possible investigations by the FBI and the Obama regime into Donald Trump and any ties to Russia. Two things came out of those hearings.

Donald Trump was being watched by the Obama regime, despite denials from the Democrats, and the FBI found nothing, since there was nothing to find. However, the minions of Felonia von Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton, are ripping mad that none of this came out prior to the election. Here are the details from Fox News:

Once again, James Comey is persona non grata in ‘Hillary Land.’

And this is considered news? Ever since the FBI found a large number of missing files on the Anthony “The Pervert” Wiener’s family laptop originating on Felonia’s mail server, which led Comey to reopen the investigation into Felonia, the Democrats have blamed him for her losing the election.

After the FBI director on Monday acknowledged a months-long probe into possible links between Russian operatives and Trump campaign associates, veterans of Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid sharply questioned why Comey waited until now — after their boss lost — to confirm it.

He probably held back due to this thing called an “On going investigation.” There was also the issue that they had found nothing of merit, but with Felonia, they found enough to lock her away for decades. As we’ve discovered, Comey is just another shill for the Clinton’s and basically threw the investigation.

Comey had famously aired details of the investigation into Clinton’s private email use as secretary of state, including an announcement 11 days before the election that the FBI was revisiting the case, only to close it again.

If Comey were an actual honest director of the FBI, Felonia would never have been given the nomination. Instead, she would be preparing for her trial on multiple charges right now.

Russia probe that Comey confirmed was, as best we can tell, in effect before Nov 8. Fair to ask why he didn’t think voters deserved to know,” tweeted Brian Fallon, who formerly served as press secretary for Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee.

Well, there are a couple of reasons. First, Felonia is guilty as sin of selling her office as Secretary of State, violating the Espionage Act, conspiracy and covering up her criminal activities. Comey was torn to shreds over his handling of her case, and rightfully so. The second reason is worse. This has the appearance of the Obama Regime trying to rig the election by spying on the opposition candidate. This is right out of Watergate.

Much of the Clinton staffers’ irritation stemmed from what they viewed as a double standard: Comey was particularly forthcoming about the investigation into Clinton’s use of a private server to send and receive classified material and yet appeared overly cautious about discussing the Trump probe.

Because, with Trump, there was no “There” there. With Felonia, it was all he could do to keep her from facing a Grand Jury. That, and the fact that information was coming out from multiple sources on just how crooked Felonia was during her tenure as Secretary of State. As I recall, there was some indications that Trump was being looked into, or at least his people. Meanwhile, the rage of the Progressive Liberal Fascists has skyrocketed. For instance,

July ’16: Comey opens investigation of Trump. Nothing public. July ’16: Comey closes HRC email, finds nothing – attacks publicly. Annoying,” tweeted ex-Clinton adviser Philippe Reines.

Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress and a prominent Clinton ally, took umbrage with Comey telling Congress on Monday that the bureau “cannot do our work well or fairly if we just start talking about it while we’re doing it.”

Tanden replied on Twitter: “Unless it’s right before an election, then we can blab away.”

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_8YTa_-hZw’]

Oh the grapes are really sour, aren’t they among the Progressive Felonia backers.

A consensus quickly formed among left-leaning social media users and many in the media that Monday’s hearing was politically damaging for Trump, leading Reines to snark: “I’d rather be an unaffiliated Rikers inmate bracing for today’s gang pickup game in the yard than [Press Secretary] Sean Spicer bracing for today’s briefing.”

Yeah, umm no. What it showed was that Trump was essentially correct when he announced he was being wiretapped. We have confirmation he was being investigated, that it looks like it was politically motivated, and while he may not have been “Wiretapped” in the accepted sense of the word, it does look like the Obama Department of InJustice was looking at his campaign’s communications. But then Progressive Liberals are not known for dealing well with reality.

Clinton didn’t add to the chorus in her own words. However, she did retweet the ranking Democratic member on the intelligence committee, Rep. Adam Schiff, chiding Trump for several Monday tweets questioning the direction of the Russia hearings.

No, she let her minions mouth off instead. As for Schiff? He’s managed to make himself totally irrelevant in the last few days, (Not that he was very relevant to begin with). He’s started touting the fake intelligence report from former British MI6 employee Christopher Steele. This report has been thoroughly discredited as something that Steele basically made up out of whole cloth.

What we’re seeing is the depths of desperation the Progressive Liberal Democrat have reached. They are still in utter denial that Felonia lost the election, and that they have been thoroughly rejected by the majority of the country. Now, along with several well known RINO’s from the GOP(e), they seem to be quite willing to start a full blown war with Russia if that’s what it takes to “Stop Trump!”

They still talk about impeaching him, or forcing him to resign. This is beyond delusion, and now is in the realm of dangerous fantasy. The Progressive Democrats refuse to understand that with the election of Donald Trump, and the crushing defeat of Felonia von Pantsuit, the United States may have short circuited a full blown shooting civil war.

No, that isn’t hyperbole. Last November 8th, when it looked like Felonia would win, many people started pulling their guns out of the closet. When they woke up November 9th and saw the election results, they breathed a deep sigh of relief and put the guns away. The Progressive Liberal Democrats seem bound and determined to do anything to take power, except the obvious thing. Take a look at why they are being rejected and look into changing their direction.

Well, I hate to be the one to break it to them, (Actually I am enjoying telling them), but they lost and will continue losing. Americans have a thing about totalitarianism. We don’t like it and that’s all the progressive Liberal Democrats are offering. These constant attacks on President Trump are doing nothing but cementing this opinion into more and more people. Keep it up Moonbats. You’re well on your way to becoming a small, regional political party.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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