Democrats call deportations “Mean Spirited”

Good day all. Now that we have a president who finally gets the problems caused by illegal aliens, the removal of these criminals has increased almost exponentially. This has caused great angst among the Democrats as they see thousands of potential democrat voters being shipped back to the 3rd world hellholes they came from.

Now these same scum, (The Progressive Democrats, not the illegal aliens), have decided to accuse the Department of Homeland Security of being “Mean Spirited” in enforcing the laws of the land. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

Top Democrats accused Homeland Security of trying to punish illegal immigrants by refusing to halt their deportations even as Congress debates bills to grant them special legal status, saying Monday that it was the latest “mean-spirited” move by the Trump administration to upend longstanding protections.

Well, there was one small problem with those so called “protections.” They had no basis in law at all. But, of course, you’re Democrats and the law means less than nothing to you if it interferes with what you want.

The move appears to be aimed at cutting off a method Democrats could have used to protect a select group of high-profile migrants from ouster. For years, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had a policy of holding off on deportation of someone if members of Congress had written legislation granting them legal status — something known as a “private bill.”

Interesting. I’ve never heard of this action…Although I do seem to recall a very few foreign nationals being given special treatment for aiding Americans in distress at the risk of their own lives. Something I have no issue with. Somehow, I think what the Democrats were doing was somewhat different.

But Thomas Homan, acting director at ICE, notified Congress late last week that his agency will no longer automatically follow that practice, saying it would run afoul of President Trump’s new executive order pushing deportation for criminals and public safety risks.

ICE will now only stop a deportation if it gets a specific request from the chairman of the Judiciary Committee or the relevant subcommittee in either the House or Senate. And ICE will only allow one stay, Mr. Homan said, meaning that illegal immigrants can’t be protected indefinitely by congressional request.

In practice, the number of people affected is small. Just 27 private bills were introduced in the last Congress, spanning 2015 and 2016. So far this year 15 private bills have been filed, suggesting an uptick — but still far from a flood of requests.

So, for all intents and purposes, this action by DHS is just another big nothing burger that gives the whining crybabies Democrats another excuse to make asses of themselves. According to the Washington Times, not one single Private Bill affecting an illegal alien was passed in the last 2 years. That isn’t stopping the Democrats from complaining.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, and Sen. Richard J. Durbin, ranking Democrat on the immigration subcommittee, said the Trump administration was scrapping decades’ worth of precedent without even working with Congress.

So, you’re complaining that President Trump, as part of keeping his promises and Making America Great Again, changed an administrative rule, one with no real basis in law, because you boneheads were to lazy and stupid to make an actual law? Wah.

They said it was the most deserving immigrants — ones whose cases were strong enough to rise to the notice of members of Congress — that would be affected.

Children’s and families’ lives are on the line,” the senators said in a joint statement. “Private immigration bills are a critical safety net that Democrats and Republicans alike have carefully used for a small number of the most critical cases.”

So tell me again how many were passed in the last two years? Oh, right. NONE!

This administration has already demonstrated a willful disregard for the Constitution’s separation of powers in the name of the president’s deportation agenda,” the two senators said. “For DHS to threaten to deport a handful of immigrants before Congress can act to protect them shows just how far this administration will go.”

Dear Senator Feinstein. You might have more credibility in your whines if you had actually used this option. As to being unconstitutional and a violation of the separation of powers? Please! This is fully within the powers of the President. You’re just pissed that it’s President Trump and not President Von Pantsuit. If you don’t like this, then how about you pull your vibrator out and file a bill to change the laws? Oh, that’s right. In your tyrannical views, the laws only apply to Republicans and the peons.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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