Eventually, Democrats are going to get shot

Good day all. Since the election of President Donald Trump, (Yes, it’s still not getting old for me), the Progressive Liberal Democrats have been rapidly escalating their attacks on anyone that disagrees with them.

We have seen the Antifa thugs in Berserkely assaulting Trump supporters, right up until the Trump people started fighting back and kicking their Communist Antifa thug backsides.

Now these moonbats have decided to escalate their attacks to Members of Congress they don’t like. Recently, after a townhall meeting with his constituents, a Republican left and was actually chased down and run off the road by one of these fruitcakes. Here are the details from WREG News 3:

A Weakely County woman was arrested after reportedly following Congressman David Kustoff Office: Representative (R-TN 8th District) and then threatening him. Police say Wendi Wright followed a car down Highway 45 Monday afternoon. Inside the car were Congressman Kustoff and aide Marianne Dunavant.

Wright reportedly followed the car after it left a town hall on the UT Martin campus. A police report states Kustoff and Dunavant felt they were in danger of being forced off the road. When they pulled into the driveway of someone they know, Wright reportedly ran to the car and screamed while banging on the car and reaching in.

She then reportedly blocked the car until police were called and she ran away.

Wright later posted about the incident on her Facebook account. She is charged with felony reckless endangerment.

This moonbat posted what she did to Faceplant? Never mind felony endangerment, who about felony stupidity in the first degree? In any case, she can count her blessing that she wasn’t shot either by the Representative, a staffer or a security detail member. I suspect Representative Kustoff didn’t have a bodyguard with him since he didn’t think he would need one.

As for Ms. Moonbat Wright, she is looking at a felony conviction, and since this was an elected federal official, (A member of the House of Representatives), and she was interfering with his duties, not to mention posing a threat to him, there’s a fair chance she may end up in a nice federal prison for a decade or so.

I’ve been making fun of people like this, but it’s now reaching the point where something bad will happen. By this, I mean people under assault by these Progressive thugs go after one or more armed citizens. People who lawfully carry aren’t out looking for trouble and want to avoid it. They carry because they’re prepared for trouble that they can’t avoid.

The worst case is that one or more CCW holders try to avoid a situation, are cut off and in danger of being beaten or killed. Guess what? That’s the standard for drawing a firearm, and if there is no other choice, opening fire. Since most citizens practice with their firearms far more than the police, and in some cases, the military, they are very good shots. This will lead to a need for additional Emergency Room and morgue space. If you think I’m joking, it’s already happened at least once. (The story is written from the perspective of the Progressive Moonbat class, so be advised. A/W)

I’ve linked to this several times in the past, but this is but it bears re-reading. Author Matthew Bracken wrote this post back in 2012 at the height of the Obama Regimes assault on America. The scenario he laid out is slightly dated, but the tactics are as valid today as they were when he wrote them. If the Progressive Antifa thugs don’t reign it in and return to lawfully protesting, they will end up causing a lethal incident. Since the Progressives generally don’t have guns, (Or common sense), they are going to get slaughtered.

This is the last thing America needs, since once this starts, it won’t end until millions are dead. Most of those? They will be on the left. People like Wright are a threat to everyone, and they need to be stopped by their friends. Pull them aside, sit them down and tell them that they can get killed of they continue this. As it is, this moonbat has ruined her life. She will go to jail. If they decide to make an example of her, she’s looking at a federal charge as well. People, learn from this and stop!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Eventually, Democrats are going to get shot

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    Pretty mild charge really, she could have been easily charged with assault with a deadly weapon or attempted murder.


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