Democrats say This is McCain’s finest hour”

Good day all. Arizona Senator John McCain, aka McSlime, is well known for stabbing other Republicans in the back. He’s also known for ignoring his own constituents, and being nothing more that a globalist war mongering shill for the political elites. Now the Democrats think he’s having his “Finest Hour” by kissing the Democrat’s collective backsides.

In a story in The Hill, one of the more corrupt Democrats, Adam Schiffless steeped praise on McSlime.

Rep. Adam Schiff (Calif.), the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, offered high praise for Sen. John McCain on Friday, saying the Arizona Republican’s vocal criticism of President Trump marks his “finest hour.”

“I think frankly this is John McCain’s finest hour,” Schiff said on HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher.”

“Probably his most important public service since Vietnam is what he is doing now. I wish we had more Republicans in the House, or maybe even one in the House, who is willing to follow his example.”

McCain has been called an “Aisle crosser” and one who will “work with the Democrats”. The problem is, his idea of working with the Democrats is to give them whatever they want. As for his Vietnam service, from what I’ve heard, prior to his being shot down, he probably should have been court martialed for some of the stunts he pulled. He was notorious for doing things that endangered his ship and the crew. McCain liked to do what is called a “Wet Start” when firing up the engines on his plane. According to

Normally when starting a turbine engine, the starter is used to get the turbine up to operational speeds, then fuel is pumped in with the ignition active.

A “wet start” is a start where the engine is being started with a quantity of fuel already pooled in the engine (perhaps the result of a previous failed start) or the pilot delays ignition beyond what is normal and allows fuel to pool in the engine before ignition. Wet starts can result in a fire plume or a loud bang, and may damage the engine. The most dramatic damage will be to the compresser turbine blades due to pressure and heat failure.

There has always been a rumor that the fire that occurred on the USS Forrestal was caused by McSlime doing an intentional “Wet Start” and causing a missile to fire accidentally on a plane behind him. This is just a rumor of course, but considering McCain’s antics, and the fact that he was a Communist ace, (He wrecked 5 planes in his career), well, I’ll let you me the judge.

Since Trump won the nomination, and then the presidency, McDiaperStain has been slamming him everywhere. He, along with his best butt buddy, Limpwrist Graham, have both been loudly proclaiming that Trump needs to be investigated because he is Trump and won’t kiss the Beltway Uniparty’s ass.

McCain has been adamant in his calls for an independent commission to investigate Russia’s efforts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, as well as the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to Moscow.

McScum was the one who handed that bogus file to the FBI that put together by a Democrat operative, even though it was already being declared a fake.

The senior Arizona senator has also been critical of Trump’s “America first” approach to foreign policy, saying earlier this month that “it’s more confusion than anything else.”

And this shows that John McCain is a traitor. Ever since he won his seat, he has put America dead last. He is a supporter of open borders, he supports illegal immigration, he’s been bought and paid for by the American Chamber of Commerce, (Which demands open borders and cheap, virtual slave labor), and is a classic globalist. For those who might not understand the term, a Globalist is one who doesn’t believe in the sovereignty of nations, and that a global elite should be in charge.

More recently, McCain has taken aim at the president over his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, a decision he called disappointing. He told foreign officials on Tuesday at a meeting of the Munich Security Conference that if Trump hoped to interrupt the FBI’s ongoing Russia investigation it would not work.

“I regret it, I think it’s unfortunate,” McCain said. “The president does have that constitutional authority. But I can’t help but think that this is not a good thing for America.”

James Comey is, or was a full blown member of the Beltway Uniparty. Everything I’ve been reading indicates he was more interested in the politics then in the job of investigating crimes. His competency has been coming into question since he white washed the Felonia von Pantsuit email scandal, even though the evidence was there to indict Felonia and probably convict her.

McStupid, being his usual self, as well as a dedicated NeverTrumper, is parroting the Liberal Progressive Democrat line that the Russians “Fixed” the election. McCain outright hates President Trump because Donald Trump did something McSlime couldn’t do. Get elected to the office of the President of the United States of American.

John McScumbag should have retired in the last election. Why the people of Arizona keep sending this corrupt, lying piece of diseased horse manure to the Senate is beyond me. With any luck, this will be his last term, and hopefully, he will croak and be replaced by someone who actually cares about this country.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Democrats say This is McCain’s finest hour”

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    About how McLame keeps getting reelected, I suspect the National Socialist Democratic Workers Party election rigging service has something to do with it.


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