What happened in Great Britain?

*Editors Note*
This post was written prior to the tragic fire in London. If this horrific disaster had occurred before the general election, I suspect that Britain would now be suffering under the incompetent Marxist thumbs of Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn.

Good day all. Last week Great Britain held a general election. The results were surprising to say the least. Theresa May, the current Prime Minister, for now, had her head handed to her.

It isn’t that Labour, under the rabidly anti-Semitic, pro Islamic terrorist, communist, Jeremy Corbyn won. Apparently, Britain now has a hung parliament with no party in the majority. This has lead Theresa May to ask the Queen for permission to try and form a government. I’m not going into the intricacies of the British Parliamentary system There are others far better then I who can.

One of the problems for May is that there are demands from within her party that she resign and step down. She is refusing to do that, and has, instead, tossed a few of her cabinet under the bus to appease some of her critics. That may not save her. Boris Johnson, who was instrumental in getting the Brexit vote passed last year appears to be gearing up to challenge her. Many thought he would be the PM after the Brexit vote last year, but the Party elites shafted him. (He’s not unlike Trump apparently) Here are some details from the Daily Mail:

Boris Johnson is preparing a new bid to become Prime Minister as Theresa May’s grip on No 10 becomes increasingly fragile.

A close ally of the Foreign Secretary said last night it was ‘go-go-go’ for Mr Johnson’s leadership push, adding: ‘We need Bojo. We need a Brexiteer. We need somebody who can talk and connect with people like Jeremy Corbyn does. We need someone who can make Britain believe in itself again.’

Mr Johnson’s supporters are being careful to say that he will not take any action while Mrs May remains in No 10 – but the fact that his allies are actively briefing about his virtues will be seen in Downing Street as destabilising.

I would say to Ms. May, “Stick the fork in, You’re done.”

Boris Johnson once said: ‘All politicians are like crazed wasps in a jam jar, each individually convinced that they’re going to make it.’

And no one has been more convinced he is going to make it all the way to No 10 than Johnson himself. He has long considered himself a Prime-Minister-in-waiting, but has been obliged to wait far longer than he hoped.

He has now had to wait another year while the party was led by Theresa May, who humiliated him during the race for the Conservative leadership by ridiculing his abilities as a negotiator: ‘The last time he did a deal with the Germans he came back with three nearly new water cannon.’

The back stabbing he got last year didn’t help. Now it looks like the Tories backed the wrong person. Johnson, being the good soldier, as well as thinking ahead, seems to have handed Ms. May all the rope she needed to hang herself, and it looks like she’s about to jump off the chair.

Well, the waiting may finally be over. At last the longed-for role of leader lies within his grasp. May is fatally wounded. After her wooden performance throughout the Election campaign, the Tories will never again consent to fight an election under her leadership.

And that, as they say, is Game, Set, Match. It will be a few weeks or so before we know what happens. I think the British are also in for a “Long, Hot Summer” and Theresa May is going to a BBQ, as the main course.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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