Megyn Kelly and Alex Jones

Good day all. A huge bruhaha has come up regarding an interview by Megyn Kelly with Infowars’s Alex Jones. Jones is a well known conspiracy theorist who, like a broken clock, gets it right once in a while.

One of the problems with Jones, and the reason everyone is dumping on Megyn Kelly is Jones’s remarks after the Sandy Hook shooting that it was all a false flag operation and that it never happened. This has torqued off the usual suspects on the left and they are now trying to shut down the interview and punish Kelly. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Connecticut’s NBC affiliate said Friday it will not air Megyn Kelly’s report on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, the radio host who has alleged the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre was a hoax. It says “the wounds are understandably still so raw” in the state.

So, let’s feed the conspiracy fires by censoring the interview, shall we? Good thinking dumbass.

In an internal memo obtained Friday by The Associated Press, NBC Connecticut staff members were told station executives made the decision after listening to concerns from employees, Sandy Hook families and viewers. The memo says the executives “considered the deep emotions from the wounds of that day that have yet to heal.

So a bunch of Progressive wimps decided to make the entire broadcast area into one giant “Safe Space?” All you idiots are doing is is proving Jones’s point. That point is, besides the one on Jones’s head, is that the left-wing media is out to get him.

The head of NBC News said Tuesday that the network would move forward with plans to air Megyn Kelly’s interview with conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones, despite a backlash that has cost the show advertisers.

And speaking of wimps. Thanks to the controversy, would anyone care to guess that this will now be one of the shows with very high ratings? The advertisers that stayed will be the ones who will get the most air time at the least cost.

The network has been taken aback by the response to booking Jones, the “Infowars” host who has questioned whether the massacre of 26 people, including 20 children, in 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., was a hoax. Lack said the story will be edited with the sensitivity of its critics in mind.

And that idea has already blown up the the faces of the network. Jones released the raw video of the entire interview on his site the other day. If NBC and Kelly’s people play games, they’re going to end up with another “Katie Couric” problem. For those who don’t recall, Couric was interviewing gun owners and selectively edited the tape to make them look like idiots. The editing hack job blew up into a major scandal when the unedited tapes came out and showed that Couric and her people rigged the interview for political purposes.

Now I don’t read Infowars. Occasionally, I might follow a link to the site, but when that happens, I just roll my eyes and close out. I’ve never heard Jones’s radio show and have no plans to. I don’t know if he believes a 10th of the crap he puts out, and I don’t care. I say broadcast the interview and as for those who might get “Triggered,” don’t watch it. I know that I’m not going to waste my time with it.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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