Loretta Lynch: Thanks a lot Comey!

Good day all. The fallout from James “The Wimp” Comey continues. While the Democrats were hoping for a knockout blow to President Trump, Comey may have pulled the thread that ends up with Loretta Lynch in the hot seat.

During the questioning, Comey remarked that when he was conducting his phony investigation of Felonia von Pantsuit, he was told by Lynch to refer to this process as the “Matter” and not as the investigation. This statement, along with Bubba Horndog Clinton meeting Lynch on the runway in Arizona raised many questions, questions Lynch really doesn’t want to answer. Now she may have to. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch should testify before the Senate, top Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham said Sunday, in the wake of fired FBI Director James Comey calling into question her handling of the Hillary Clinton email probe.

I want to hear from Loretta Lynch,” Graham said.

Well now, Ms. Graham actually wants to do something useful? Will wonders never cease?

The call follows Comey’s claim during a Senate committee hearing that Lynch once directed him to describe the email probe as a “matter” and not an “investigation” — an alleged intervention Comey said made him “queasy.”

Perhaps you should have bought some of these Comey, then you wouldn’t have felt so queasy. But then you are a deballed wimp only interested in yourself, so I suspect that treatment wouldn’t have helped.

He also said that directive, combined with Lynch’s unusual Arizona tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton, led him to make his independent announcement regarding the Clinton email probe last July.

And Lynch didn’t complain because she knew you had tanked the investigation. Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Several GOP lawmakers have shown interest in learning more about Lynch’s actions following Comey’s testimony.

Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Sunday he wants to see whether Comey kept any notes regarding conversations with Lynch.

I want to see if he had any memos on Loretta Lynch,” King said on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures with Maria Bartiromo.”

Check with the New York Times. They seem to have Comey’s filing cabinet.

Comey’s allegations about Lynch drew widespread attention.

He said Lynch’s tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton was a “deciding factor” in his decision to act alone to update the public on the Clinton probe — and protect the bureau’s reputation.

More like cover your own ass Comey.

“There were other things, significant items,” he added, citing how “the attorney general directed me not to call it an investigation and call it a matter — which confused me.”

That was one of the bricks in the load that I needed to step away from the department,” Comey said, later adding he was concerned Lynch was trying to align the DOJ’s comments with the way the campaign was talking about the probe. “That gave me a queasy feeling,” he said.

You seem to always have an upset stomach, don’t you Comey? It probably comes from being a gutless coward. You should have told Lynch that it was an investigation and that was that. Or you should have resigned. It’s the same thing with President Trump.

If you felt he was out of line, you should have brought it up with him. He probably would have corrected himself. He doesn’t think like you and the rest of the beltway uniturds. You didn’t which tells me you are a weasel and a gutless one. Now your cowardice is going to sink you and probably Lynch.

Lynch and former President Clinton met on a tarmac in Phoenix, Ariz., on June 27, 2016, which immediately raised questions about whether she — or the Justice Department — could be impartial in the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

And, as we found out, they weren’t.

Days later, Comey called Hillary Clinton’s actions “extremely careless” but declined to recommend charges.

And that was the announcement that cost you your job. It showed that you were in the tank with the Clintons and even though Lynch was stupid enough to allow Bubba Horndog on her plane, you still had the chance to “Fix things.” All you had to say was that you were recommending that Felonia von Pantsuit be prosecuted. Which she should have. Of course, she still can be.

Of course, The Progressive Democrats are circling the wagons. They might still throw Lynch under the bus, but first they need to make sure she doesn’t have anything on them.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she would have had a “queasy feeling, too.” She said lawmakers need to know more about that, and the judiciary committee should “take a look” at it.

But not to hard, right?

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., though, said he hasn’t heard Lynch’s side of the story and cannot say “whether it rises to the level that she should come and testify.”

All I’m saying with Loretta Lynch is before anyone jumps to any conclusions, we ought to hear what she has to say,” he said on “Face the Nation.” “And let her state something privately and see if it makes much of a difference. I don’t know that it will.”

So, let me get this straight. You want to ask “questions” in private, to see if Lynch should testify? And I would hazard a guess it won’t be under oath, correct? How about this one Upchuck. She is hauled up in front of the appropriate committees, sworn in and forced to assert her 5th Amendment rights against self incrimination. You know, assert the rights she always denied exists for anyone not part of the ruling elite in Washington.

Then we can start a formal investigation. Considering the antics from certain members of congress during all the hearings, we might just find the collusion you’ve been harping on about. As for the Russian connections? Well, there is Felonia’s little deal for the American uranium mines we can look into. What’s that you’re saying?

Yeah, I don’t think so Upchuck.

Thatisall…for now.

~The Angry Webmaster~

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