Russia threatens U.S. aircraft

Good day all. About the Progressive Liberal Democrat’s claim that President Trump is colluding with Russia? Yeah, you can take that and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Russia has just threatened to fire on American aircraft over Syria.

This started over the weekend when a United States Navy F-18 Hornet fighter blew a Syrian bomber out of the sky after it unloaded on some of our “allies.” This seems to have annoyed the Russians and now they are threatening to attack our military aircraft flying over Syria. Here are some of the details from the New York Slimes Times:

Russia on Monday condemned the American military’s downing of a Syrian warplane, suspending the use of a military hotline that Washington and Moscow have used to avoid collisions in Syrian airspace and threatening to target aircraft flown by the United States and its allies over Syria.

The moves were the most recent example of an intensifying clash of words and interests between the two powers, which support different sides in the years long war in Syria.

Umm, yeah, but I thought President Trump was supposed to be wholly owned by Vladimir Putin or something. If this were true, wouldn’t he be busy backing down now?

The Russian military has threatened to halt its use of the hotline in the past — notably after President Trump ordered the launch of missiles against a Syrian air base in April — only to continue and even expand its contacts with the United States military. It was not clear whether the latest suspension would be lasting.

The Russians aren’t, unlike the Progressive Liberal Democrats and the staff of the New York Slimes Times, complete idiots. They might want to scream, rant and rave a bit, but they know this is all geopolitics. The last thing they want is to get into a shooting war with the United States.

The Russian Defense Ministry called American attacks against the Syrian forces “military aggression” and announced that it would suspend cooperation with the United States intended to prevent airborne accidents over Syria.

All flying objects, including planes and drones of the international coalition, detected west of the Euphrates, will be followed by Russian air defense systems as targets,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The United States will continue to conduct air operations over Syria, a spokesman for the American-led task force that is fighting the Islamic State said on Monday.

We are going to continue to conduct operations throughout Syria, providing air support for coalition and partnered forces on the ground,” the spokesman, Col. Ryan Dillon, said in a telephone interview from Baghdad.

So our basic response is:

Let’s face it. The Middle East is a flaming mess and other than Israel, who gives two shakes of a rats tail about it. Thanks to the massive oil and gas reserves now being developed in the United States and Canada, there really isn’t any real need for American forces in the region. Right now, the only reason we give a damn is simple. We need to destroy Islamic terrorists and their supporters, and unlike The Great Mistake, President Trump will do this.

As for Assad, the Russians can have him. They deserve each other. They want Syria, they can have it, along with the entire mess they’ve made of the place. If you want the United States to stop bombing the place, the answer is simple. Leave us and Israel alone. Once you do that, things will be hunky dory. As for Europe? Screw them too.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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