Republicans 5, Democrats 0

Good day all. There were two special elections to replace representatives who took jobs in the Trump Administration. To replace them, elections were held. The results are now in.

The Democrats, in sheer desperation, pumped 10’s of millions into the election in Georgia, backing Jon Ossoff. They were calling him the “Trump Killer”, and expected him to be the first to roll back the tides of Freedom and Prosperity, eventually returning the Democrats to power so they could continue their work in destroying the United States. (Ok, I know, a bit over the top, but work with me here)

Well the election was held, along with another one in South Carolina. The results. Once again, the Democrats went down to crushing, utterly humiliating defeat. In Georgia, the one that the Democrats desperately wanted to win at all costs, Jon Ossoff was easily “Handel’d” by now Representative-Elect Karen Handel.

Granted, the races were a lot closer then the GOP would like, but it’s the results that count and the Democrats lost again. In all the special elections held this year, the Democrats have won only a single one, and it was a democrat’s seat in California to begin with. Since California is a one party soviet style state, I would have been surprised if the GOP had won it.

Congratulations to Karen Handel of Georgia and Ralph Norman in South Carolina. Hopefully they will set Paul, “Eddie Munster” Rino’s feet on fire and get him doing what he was sent to Washington to do. Clean up the mess made by the Democrats.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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