Wash. ComPost terrified of Trump having the Nuclear Codes

Good day all. Once Again, the Bezo’s owned Washington ComPost is having another attack of the vapors. This time they are concerned that President Trump actually has access to the nuclear launch codes.

The ComPost, which has been demanding President Trump’s Impeachment since November 10th, 2016 because he isn’t Felonia von Pantsuit, has a long panicked screed from two of it’s “Journalists, Marc Fisher and Jenna Johnson. Their commentary is just filled with a wealth of misinformation and a complete lack of understanding on how the nuclear launch authorization system works. Here are their remarks from the Washington ComPost:

As with most things Trump, the furor over the “fire and fury” has divided the nation in two — those who believe the president is a loose cannon, impulsively blurting whatever flits through his mind, and those who believe his inflammatory talk is a wily combination of politically savvy instincts and a gut-driven populism that simply aims to please.

And we’re off to the races! First, a little history of the mess that is North Korea. To begin with, we are still technically at war with them. There is no peace treaty, only an armistice that the North Koreans have broken repeatedly. Second, we are in this mess in no small part to the incompetence and stupidity of Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. This mess should have been dealt with back in the 90’s.

Now, thanks to those three, we have to concern ourselves with the very real possibility that a delusional nut will actually launch a nuclear attack. Oh, by the way, it won’t be President Trump. He is neither delusional or a nut, no matter how much the Proglodytes say he is. The dictator of North Korea, Fat psychopathic slob, Kim Jong Un is the one who has been threatening nuclear war.

When President Trump went off script Tuesday to deliver a startling threat to North Korea — “They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen” — it was as if the nation relived the most lurid themes of the 2016 campaign in one chilling moment.

First, are you sure he went off script? Second, we all know what good Progressive Liberal Moonbats like you would prefer. Mealy-mouth whines followed by a quick surrender.

Last fall, Hillary Clinton’s campaign used as one of its final weapons a TV ad featuring a longtime nuclear missile launch officer who warned against voting for Trump: “I prayed that call would never come. Self-control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing.”

I really wonder if this individual actually was a launch officer. If he was, then he has to be the most incompetent one in history. As part of their training, the actual way a launch order is given is taught to them, along with all the very highly classified safeguards in place to prevent a nuclear release, either accidentally or by an insane president or general.

Obviously, I don’t know the classified parts, but the general information is that no single person can initiate a nuclear release. We have what’s called the “Two Man Rule.” If President Trump were to order a nuclear strike, he would have to have a second person to confirm it. In the case of a first strike, there are multiple safeguards in place. Now a retaliatory strike is a somewhat different matter, but it still requires someone confirming the presidential launch order. Perhaps the idiots who wrote this drek never bothered to read Tom Clancy?

Voters made clear last fall that they trusted Clinton vastly more than Trump on the use of nuclear weapons — by 57 percent to 31 percent in a Fox News poll in October, for example.

So how is President Felonia von Pantsuit doing with regards to North Korea’s nuclear threats? Oh wait! She lost!! Perhaps you meant Liberal voters. Of course, we know those are the ONLY people you talk to. As to the polls? You do know that no one believes them anymore. They have been consistently wrong about pretty much everything, starting with the BREXIT vote last year. As for the Trump supporters?

Fred Doucette, a longtime Trump supporter who is assistant majority leader in New Hampshire’s House of Representatives, watched Trump’s appearance Tuesday. He was disappointed Trump didn’t declare a national emergency on opioid abuse but was pleased to hear the president deliver a strong message to North Korea.

The president spoke in a language that Kim Jong Un understands — and, personally, I think they should follow up on that and show them that we mean business,” said Doucette, 52, a Navy veteran and retired firefighter and paramedic. “I assume the president spoke with his generals and his Cabinet first.”

I’m sure he did. He would have to, since the last thing anyone wants is war, nuclear or otherwise. If speaking loudly and carrying a big stick can stop North Korea, then President Trump can tweet away to his heart’s content.

Last fall, 10 former Air Force nuclear launch officers issued an open letter warning that Trump “should not be entrusted with the nuclear launch codes .?.?. He has shown himself time and again to be easily baited and quick to lash out, dismissive of expert consultation and ill-informed of even basic military and international affairs.”

And there is a reason that they are all “Former” officers. As for Felonia von Pantsuit? She would have sold the nuclear launch codes TO the North Koreans for donations to the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation. However, it looks like the “Ten Officers United in their belief” may not be so united any longer.

But on Wednesday, those officers were no longer united in their view of Trump.

The reaction to this is not wholly rational,” said one of the signatories, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because his employer had not authorized him to speak publicly. “A lot of people are caught up on Trump the character — and he is erratic — without thinking about whether there’s historical precedent for this kind of language. I’m actually a little relieved that Trump is crawling inside the North Koreans’ helmets. I would not have chosen those words, but he did put the fear of God into them.”

And that is the whole idea. If we can scare that fat slob into thinking that President Trump will nuke his ass, or even just napalm him into a charcoal briquette, then we may very well prevent the very war that Liberal Weakness came close to causing.

But another of the former “missileers” said Trump’s fiery rhetoric was evidence of exactly what he had warned about last fall. “He speaks impulsively, and he acts impulsively, and I don’t know what restraints there are on President Trump,” said Mark Lussky, a retired lawyer who served on a missile combat crew from 1972 to 1976. “He doesn’t know how to back down on anything.”

So, you think we should back down to the threats from that fat troll with the bad haircut? You wouldn’t be related to a guy named Neville Chamberlain by any chance, would you? Now President Trump did use his own words, and unlike members of the Beltway Uniparty, he doesn’t tend to use weasel words.

Press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said, although Trump’s “words were his own … the tone and strength of the message were discussed beforehand” by Chief of Staff John F. Kelly and members of the National Security Council.

As much as it pains you to consider this, President Trump does listen to his advisers on military matters. Unlike King Putt or Felonia von Pantsuit, he understands that he doesn’t know everything.

Presidents don’t usually improvise comments on global crises. “What would be ‘normal’ in the Bush or Obama or Clinton administrations would be for the combination of strategic communications people and policy people — including the national security adviser — to develop, in consultation with the State Department and the Defense Department, a messaging strategy with top lines that they felt the president needed to emphasize,” said a senior diplomat who served in all three administrations.

In other words, take 6 months to run this through the usual filters and say absolutely nothing. How refreshing it is to have a president just come out and say what will happen to some thug if he tries anything. No wonder these two “writers” have their panties in a knot.

During the campaign, Felonia von Pantsuit and her staff of clowns basically tried to use the same style of ads that were used by Lyndon Johnson against Barry Goldwater. It didn’t work for may reasons, one of which is that Felonia is a corrupt battleaxe and would have moved to institute total suppression of anything that she didn’t like, starting with the 1st Amendment. The Clinton’s past history of despising the military didn’t help.

Now, lets consider the worst case scenario. The United States will not launch a nuclear first strike on North Korea for many reasons, the biggest one being, we really don’t want to. We might have to initiate a conventional strike, but even that is some ways away, and hopefully will never come to pass.

That said, there is a very big worry that Kim Jung Un is just crazy enough to actually fire a nuclear tipped missile, perhaps a number of them, at South Korea, Japan and the United States. There is a fair chance that the attacks, if they occur, against the United States and Japan will be stopped with the missiles shot down or diverted to explode harmlessly. (If a nuke going off can be considered harmless.

South Korea is the problem. The actual time in transit for a missile is a very few minutes and any defenses there might not be able to engage and intercept an incoming warhead. If we can stop all the weapons, then we can pause, reflect on what we need to do and take the appropriate actions. However, if a warhead hits a target, be it in South Korea, Japan or the United States, then the gloves come off and North Korea is turned into a radioactive charnal house.

In 1938, when Adolph Hitler was bullying his way around Europe, he met with Neville Chamberlain, then Prime Minister of Great Britain. Chamberlain went into the meeting thinking that he could come to an agreement with Hitler and prevent a war. Hitler came into the meeting with the goal of getting as much as he could without firing a shot, and buying himself and Germany more time to prepare for the war Hitler and the Nazi’s fully intended to start.

The result of this meeting was the Munich Agreement. History shows that this was a disaster. Because Chamberlain and, to be honest, many British and French politicians and people, were terrified of another “Great War” they were prepared to do anything to prevent it. If they had stood up to Hitler, there was a better then even chance the German Army would have moved against Hitler and the Nazi’s, and WW 2 might not have happened.

Trump’s Generals, as they are disparagingly called by the Mostly Stupid Media, study history. They look at what causes a war and how it could have been prevented. The last thing most generals want is a war. They know how terrible and wasteful it is. They also understand, that there are times when you have no choice. When that time comes, they look for the best way to get the job done at the least cost to America. They also hate the idea of using Nukes.

America knows the devastation caused by nuclear weapons. So do the Japanese. To allow some psychotic tyrant to have them is the worst possible thing we could do. The Japanese lost two cities to atomic weapons. They have no intention of losing more. Perhaps the authors of this piece in the Washington ComPost might actually try doing some research and study history. Yeah, that’s probably to much to ask.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Wash. ComPost terrified of Trump having the Nuclear Codes

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    What? The Washington ComPost sully an article with facts? Not going to happen.


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