Trump continues erasing Obama’s legacy

Good day all. President Trump made a number of promises when he ran for the office of President of the United States. Since he was sworn in, he has horrified the Beltway Uniparty by actually working to keep his promises. One person in particular who is in shock is Barack Obama.

Since he took the Oath of Office, President Trump has been revoking many of the constitutionally and legally suspect Executive Orders signed by currently unemployed president, Barack Obama. Obama is watching as his “Legacy” is being dismantled. Here are the details from Fox News:

President Trump has yet to sign legislation that repeals ObamaCare, funds a new wall on the border with Mexico or reforms the country’s tax code.

Which is annoying his base. However, President Trump isn’t being blamed for that, it’s the RINO wing of the Beltway Uniparty that’s getting hammered for not sending legislation to President Trump.

But gridlock in Congress has not stopped the president from unraveling former President Barack Obama’s executive action legacy during his first eight months in office.

The latest reversal came this week with the president’s announcement to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program implemented in 2012.

Obama’s program gave a deportation reprieve to hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants, something conservatives have called unconstitutional.

Obama never gave a damn about the Constitution. He was a classic “Rule by Decree” sort of tyrant. He just forgot one thing. Everything he did, could be undone, and President Trump is undoing Obama’s legacy as fast as he can sign the orders.

Only by the reliable enforcement of immigration law can we produce safe communities, a robust middle class, and economic fairness for all Americans,” Trump said Tuesday as he argued Obama didn’t have the authority to enact a policy he referred to as amnesty in the past.

As you might expect, The Great Mistake isn’t all that happy with President Trump actually following the immigration laws and the Constitution of the United States.

Obama reacted with outrage to Trump’s action on DACA, calling it both “wrong” and “cruel.”

“Ultimately, this is about basic decency,” Obama said.

Wrong stupid, but then, you have always been wrong about pretty much everything, it’s about the Rule of Law. Your well known contempt for ignoring the law and the Constitution and ruling by Executive Orders, bypassing Congress, is why President Trump is able to so easily toss your legacy on the ash heap of history, right along with your favorite nation, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

DACA could yet live on in some form, as Trump has challenged Congress to come up with a replacement.

This is one place that Congress should fail utterly and completely.

But for now, it marks the latest in a string of reversals for Obama’s executive actions — something Trump vowed to achieve during the presidential campaign.

“We’re going to be unsigning a lot of executive orders, especially his order that basically lets anybody they want just pour into our country,” Trump told a crowd during a campaign rally in Virginia in 2015.

And President Trump is working hard to do just what he promised. Unlike that SCoaMF, Barack Obama, President Trump is not trying to bypass congress. In fact, he’s throwing things right back at them and forcing them to actually do their jobs.

This is the reason so many of the RINO wing of the Beltway Uniparty are so u[set with President Trump. They now actually have to do their jobs, take actual stands and produce bills that people want passed. So far, it ain’t happening. Meanwhile, President Trump will continue to erase Obama’s place in history using all legal and constitutional means available to him.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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