Lena Dunham threatens travelers

Good day all. Lena Dunham is a mediocre actress with the IQ of a houseplant with even less common sense. She is a classic Moonbat and one of the Hollywood liars who promised to leave the United States if Donald Trump won the election.

Unfortunately, the good for nothing cow is still here. Typical of morons of her political ilk, she was lying through her teeth. Last August, she accused a couple of American Airlines employees of engaging in politically incorrect speech between themselves. American Airlines was forced to look into the allegation by this ignoramus and wasn’t able to substantiate the accusations. This isn’t surprising since the incident probably never happened. Now, this crazed moonbat has announced that she is appointing herself the airport “Speech Police.” Here are the details from Fox News:

Airline employees and travelers beware: Lena Dunham is watching you like a hawk.

On Wednesday afternoon, the actress and “Girls” creator took to Instagram to share a short message from what appeared to be the security gate at an unknown airport.

I’m at the airport. And I think people now know, when I’m at the airport, they have to f—ing watch out for me, because I hear and I see all.”

It’s unclear which “people” Dunham is referring to in the Instagram story. However, Dunham did make headlines during an early August airport incident, in which she accused two American Airlines employees of engaging in “transphobic talk” at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York.

Oh I think we can hazard a guess. She will go after anyone she can hurt who doesn’t follow her political world view.

Concerning her latest Instagram story, Dunham didn’t call out any specific employee over his/her alleged behavior. She did, however, point out that another passenger was bringing his pet monkey on the flight.

There’s also a literal monkey on my flight,” said Dunham after sharing footage of a fellow airline traveler carrying the small primate on his shoulders. “There’s a monkey on my flight.”

Oh I see why she was so upset. The monkey was probably a better actor and more attractive then Dunham. Lena Dumbass has made a real name for herself as a complete and utter ass. She likes to brag about things that are, to put it bluntly, felonies. She also will go verbally assault anyone she doesn’t like.

Every once in a while, she gets hammered for her remarks. What hasn’t happened yet, is Dunham getting hammered for real, as in beaten to a pulp. Her latest tirade indicates that she hasn’t figured out yet that some people might not be to thrilled with being the target of her accusations and threats. Most people who would be don’t pay much attention to her rantings and ravings on social media, which is how she gets away with this crap in the first place.

If she continues with her diatribes, shoving her porcine like snout into other people’s private conversations, she will be lucky if all that happens is she gets sued. Someone might take offense and simply pick her up and body slam her into a wall.

The sad thing is, Dunham thinks she’s actually a great actress and can do no wrong. Honestly, your average Lobster Porn Actress has more talent then this walrus wannabe. (BTW, if you google Lobster Porn, do so from home. The results are not work safe and rather sick) Of course, Lobster Porn stars probably have more sense then Dunham, but then so does that monkey she was annoyed with.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Lena Dunham threatens travelers

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    “There’s also a literal monkey on my flight,” said Dunham after
    sharing footage of a fellow airline traveler carrying the small primate
    on his shoulders. “There’s a monkey on my flight.”
    My first thought was, that makes two monkeys, but on second thought that’s overly harsh to monkeys.


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