The Inspector General’s report

Good day all. Last week, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General released his report on the handling of the Felonia von Pantsuit email server. It’s damning in it’s findings, and showed that President Trump was correct in firing James Comey.

Now I have not read the report and honestly, don’t plan to. What is currently available has been censored redacted by Deputy Attorney General Rod RodentStain. However, Congress and President Trump have the unredacted version and as I understand it, President Trump is furious. I’ve read reports that President Trump may declassify the entire unredacted report and release it.

Some of the things I’ve read conclude that James Comey was insubordinate, that the FBI’s handling of the investigation into Felonia von Pantsuit’s private mail server didn’t follow standard practices, and that FBI agents were not only leaking to the media, they were “Accepting gifts” from journalists. (Another term might be “bribes”)

One of the more damning findings in the report by Inspector General Michael Horowitz was the text messages by FBI agent Peter Strzok to his girlfriend. (Who was NOT his wife) We’ve all known about the messages, and just how biased in favor of Felonia von Pantsuit the FBI and DoJ was. According to the report, Page, (Strzok’s girlfriend), texted Strzok in August 2016 and said:

[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”

No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it,” Strzok responded. (From Fox News)

Just how bad was this? Strzok was the lead agent on the von Pantsuit investigation, which whitewashed Felonia’s crimes, and then was assigned to Mueller’s “Get Trump!” investigation. Because of the information that was finally released to Congress, Strzok was removed from the investigation and sent to work in the FBI’s Human Resources department. Even with this information, the IG’s report was that he didn’t find any evidence of bias or improper considerations.

This is coming across as willful blindness on the part of the IG. The blatant biases by the investigators in Washington into the espionage charges by Felonia and her minions are so obvious as to beg the question, “What would it take for the IG to determine that something was improper? In any case, the Inspector General has referred five employees for investigation into whether the messages violated the FBI’s Offense Codes and Penalty Guidelines.

The next salvo was launched at former FBI Director, James Comey. According to Fox News:

Horowitz’s investigation looked at a variety of other allegations, including whether it was improper for Comey to make a public announcement recommending against prosecution over the Clinton email arrangement while calling her actions “extremely careless.”

“We found that it was extraordinary and insubordinate for Comey to conceal his intentions from his superiors, the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General, for the admitted purpose of preventing them from telling him not to make the statement, and to instruct his subordinates in the FBI to do the same,” Horowitz’s report says.

Insubordinate? Try criminal, as in Obstruction of Justice. When Comey held his press briefing on Felonia von Pantsuit’s actions, he laid out what people though was a slam dunk case for indictment and conviction. When he decided to rewrite the Espionage Act, claiming that Felonia had no actual intent to break the law, Comey sealed his fate and reputation. Like everyone else, he thought that Felonia would win the election and he would have been protected. Instead, Donald Trump won, and now, Comey could be looking at federal charges.

One person who was shocked at the contents of the IG’s report was Representative Trey Gowdy. He had been one of the members of congress getting stonewalled by the Obama DoJ and FBI. However, he was always saying that the FBI was perfect and could never do the things they were rumored to have done. When the IG’s report was released, Gowdy was slammed in the back of the head with a virtual 2×4. All his praises of the FBI now look like the delusional remarks of a complete fool.

House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., said in a statement the report shows “an alarming and destructive level of animus displayed by top officials at the FBI.”

It’s a good thing that Gowdy is leaving congress at the conclusion of his current term. Anyone this willfully blind to the obvious is to stupid to be an elected or appointed official.

One thing this report has done is wake up Attorney general Jeff “Sleepy” Sessions.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a statement that the report “reveals a number of significant errors by the senior leadership of the Department of Justice and the FBI during the previous administration.”

In an interview with The Hill’s new web show “Rising” on Wednesday, Sessions said the option of “termination” is on the table for those accused of serious wrongdoing. Some of the key figures, though, have already been fired or left the government.

How nice of him to finally start doing his damn job! However, it isn’t just terminations, there needs to be a full re-investigation of Felonia von Pantsuit, her minions and also the investigators who basically covered up their criminal activities instead of shutting them down and charging her.

This report, however, is just round one. It was limited in scope to the investigation into Felonia von Pantsuit. It didn’t cover the actions dealing with the fake “Russian Collusion” case that the Deep Swamp scum in the DoJ did. This included lying to FISA judges, spying on a presidential candidate and later President Trump’s transition team, and of course, the infamous “Dossier” that started the whole thing.

According to another Fox News report:

Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz, a former federal prosecutor, announced in March that he is probing allegations of government surveillance abuse, in light of memos released on Capitol Hill about FBI and DOJ efforts to obtain FISA warrants to surveil Trump campaign adviser Carter Page as part of its Russia investigation.

Added to that, Sessions has finally started doing the job President Trump hired him to do.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has also said U.S. Attorney John Huber is investigating claims of FBI and DOJ misconduct related to these actions, noting that Huber would be “conducting his work from outside the Washington D.C. area and “in cooperation” with Horowitz.

This is the one that could lead to the full and complete house cleaning that should have started months ago at the Department of Justice and the FBI. Right off the bat, Deputy Attorney General Rod RodentStain needs to be fired. He also needs to be investigated for his actions leading up to the appointment of Robert Mueller and his crew of Gestapo wannabe thugs. The levels of corruption being found can be laid directly at the feet of former Attorney General Eric Holder, his successor, Loretta Lynch and Barack Obama.

Holder alone should be investigated for his activities as AG. His policies, along with covering up the criminal behavior of Felonia von Pantsuit when she was Secretary of State, not to mention being the ONLY attorney general to be held in contempt of congress. Loretta Lynch’s actions on that runway where she was caught talking privately to Bubba Horndog, in violation of every ethical canon out there, also needs to be looked at.

Finally, there needs to be a full accounting of Barack Obama’s actions as President. He can’t be, and shouldn’t be investigated for things like policy differences, but he should be investigated when his actions were in direct violations of the Law and the Constitution. The things he did as president would have been considered outright treason anywhere else. He can’t be tried or investigated on that charge here, but there might be other things he could be tried on, starting with the cover-up of Felonia von Pantsuit’s crimes and the spying on Donald Trump.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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