Globalists vs Trump

Good day all. Back in the early 1990’s, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics collapsed into the ash heap of history. Then president, George H.W. Bush announced a “New World Order,” or NWO. That came to be seen as a group of elitist politicians and business leaders who would “Guide” the world to a one world utopian paradise.

The idea was to have entities like the European Union and the United Nations taking leadership roles with the World Court in the Hague dispensing “Justice.” All sorts of trade agreements were rammed through congress that benefited everyone BUT, the United States of America and it’s citizens.

For decades Americans have seen their jobs shifted out of the United States, and the borders basically thrown open to cheap illegal alien labor. (Please note, those who come here lawfully are generally a benefit to America) Finally, Americans had enough of the broken promises and lies of the Beltway Uniparty and elected Donald Trump as the 45th President of the United States of America.

One plank, and a big one, was to “Make America Great Again.” By this, he meant putting America first. This horrified the Globalists, especially in Europistan. The recent G7 meeting along with President Trump telling NATO that the days of the United States being Europe’s piggy bank are over, and Trump tearing up the old so called “Free Trade” agreements, has stunned the globalists. Now, the Globalists, both in Eurostan and the United States are beginning to see the end of their “World Order.” Here are some details and commentary from NDTV:

When does a feud become a separation? A separation a divorce? When do arguments, sharp-tongued put-downs and perceived betrayal among allies become the collapse of the Western-dominated order that has ruled the world, under U.S. leadership, for the past seven decades?

How does next Tuesday sound to you?

As each day brings a new series of punches and counterpunches between President Donald Trump and longtime U.S. partners, the question appears to be moving beyond the realm of the academic.

The most recent episode began with Friday’s Group of Seven summit in Quebec, the annual chat-fest with the United States and the world’s other self-described economic leaders, including Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. It followed Trump’s decision not to exempt any of them from new U.S. “national security” tariffs on steel and aluminum imports.

A little background here. The United States, after World War Two, was the undisputed leader of the world. We had Atomic weapons, we had crushed Japan and Nazi Germany, (The Soviets would have lost if it hadn’t been for American resupply and forcing Germany into a two front war they weren’t able to sustain), and our economic infrastructure was intact.

If it hadn’t been for the USSR and Stalin’s goal of taking over the world, the United States would have once again pulled back into our borders and basically left the Europeans to rot. However, the Soviet’s goals were seen as a threat to us, so we stayed in Europe and rebuilt them economically and militarily. All the “Free Trade” deals were designed to prop up the western European economies.

The need for NATO and all the American taxpayer subsidies to Europe ended when the USSR collapsed and was no longer a threat to western Europe and the United States. However, the Globalists were still bound and determined to create their ideas of a One World Government “Guided” by the world’s elite. (Yeah, tinfoil hat zone, I know)

That ruling came on the heels of nearly 18 months of clashes over climate change, trade, NATO, Iran and other issues on a list so long it is hard to remember everything on it.

“What worries me most . . . is the fact that the rules-based international order is being challenged,” European Council President Donald Tusk said as the G-7 summit got underway. What is surprising, Tusk said, is that the challenge is driven not by the “usual suspects, but by its main architect and guarantor, the U.S.”

Allow me to translate. What worries Tusk is that that now we have a president, for the first time in decades, who is going to put American needs and interests first, NOT the interests of the Eurotrash globalists. What’s worse from their point of view, they see this as an uprising by the serfs and peons who they think should just bow down to their betters.

Trump’s actions, he said, “play into the hands of those who seek a new post-West order where liberal democracy and fundamental freedoms would cease to exist.” Tusk’s usual suspects certainly include China and Russia, the latter suspended from the group after its 2014 annexation of Crimea. As Trump he left Washington early Friday, he said Russia should be invited “back in” to the club.

The European Union, as the “Guarantors of Democracy,” is a joke. The EU is ruled, not governed, not administered, by a Bureaucracy in Brussels that literally answers to no one. Most of these bureaucrats are flat out socialists and closet totalitarians. Eastern Europe, the old Warsaw Pact countries, who thought that being part of the EU would be a net benefit, are finding out that they’re losing their sovereignty and their ability to choose their own national paths. The British finally decided to pull out in what has become known as “Brexit.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron held a news conference in Quebec on Thursday to hail their own close relations and said they would continue, politely, to try to convince Trump that his actions are “unacceptable” and counterproductive, even for American workers.

Trudeau is a joke as a leader. Recently, after President Trump had left the G7 summit to meet with the North Korean leader, Little Rocketman” Trudeau came out with a statement that shiv’ed President Trump. He responded in a way that caught Trudeau and the others off guard. He withdrew his signature on the closing statement from the G7. Trudeau is the Canadian Barack Obama.

As for Macron? Like all French leaders, he will be right there when he needs the United States. Otherwise, he is just as quick as the rest of the Eurotrash in trying to make America Europe’s Property Again.

Meanwhile, the Beltway Uniparty members are wondering what happens next.

“We don’t know” if the confrontations will have any lasting effect, said Stephen Hadley, who served as President George W. Bush’s national security adviser. “That’s the right question.”

“First, does the accumulation of these incidents over time begin to erode trust and confidence?” Hadley said in an interview. “Secondly, what is it doing to public opinion and public views of the United States. That’s the thing the Trump people don’t sufficiently take into account.”

Oh we are taking it into account numbnuts. Americans, traditionally, don’t give a flying fuck about what the rest of the world thinks. We never have. Americans are people who left all those countries that the Globalists so admire BECAUSE they wanted to be free from the garbage that was being thrown at them by their rulers. In case you hadn’t noticed, there is a reason that Jeb “Open Borders” Bush had his head handed to him in the 2016 primaries.

Trump’s attitude is often as irritating to allied leaders as are his policies, according to numerous European officials, who consistently address such issues only on the condition of anonymity to avoid making the situation worse.

Two administration officials acknowledged that Trump simply does not see allies and adversaries in the traditional way, nor any reason to couch his views in diplomatic niceties. He often describes countries that have been historically aligned with the United States, including Germany, France and Canada, as “so-called allies” who take advantage of the nation.

In other words, President Donald J. Trump see’s our so-called “Allies” in exactly the same way most Americans see them. And your problem with this is???

For some, there is still time for a resolution phase in a first Trump term. But “where I’m wringing my hands is the 2020 presidential election,” said Cliff Kupchan, chairman of the Eurasia Group, which advises investors about the impact of politics on risks and opportunities in foreign markets.

“If President Trump is reelected, and it will be very close, then during his second term, we have to worry about the end of the liberal world order,” Kupchan said. “A second term would allow him enough time to do irreparable damage to liberal institutions, to the WTO [World Trade Organization] and Bretton Woods,” the 1944 conference where the current international financial system was created, which was quickly followed by the establishment of the United Nations.

“With the petrification of a new normal involving tariffs and protectionism,” he said, “that’s the definition of the end of the world order.”

I’m not seeing a problem here.

Americans have long had a love-hate relationship with Europe and foreigners in general, along with a strong current of belief that others have taken advantage of U.S. beneficence, sentiments that Trump has been more than willing to exploit. To the extent that his supporters see a lean toward isolationism as advancing their own lives and pocketbooks, Trump has reason to think he is doing something right.

That’s because he IS right! Allow me to explain. Americans have always been a bit isolationist. We, traditionally, don’t care what goes on in the rest of the world as long as it doesn’t affect us. If it does, then, traditionally, we come in and basically go “Crush! Kill! Destroy!” and then we go home. America has never been, unlike the Europeans, imperialistic or interested in an Empire. We have our continent and we’re happy with it. Yes, on occasion we do eye Canada, but mostly, we ignore them.

As for the term “Isolationist,” you have to understand the definition. We have the European idea and then there is the American idea of isolationism. In what passes for the minds of a European, Isolationism means cutting yourself off from everyone and everything. The American definition is a lot different. For us, it means not getting involved with Europe and how they screw things up. It worked fairly well for 134 years, then the Kaiser and the British decided to play games causing the United States to come into WW1.

When American troops arrived, the British and French had plans for them. They wanted to use the American troops as replacements for all their losses under French and British command. The United States and General Pershing had other ideas and flat out told the Brits and French to stick that idea where the sun doesn’t shine. A year later, after 4 years of stalemate, trench warfare and basically complete incompetence by the European command structure, The American forces broke the Germans and WW1 came to an end.

Then we went home. We tried to get the Euroscum to listen to us and not rape Germany’s economy, but as usual, the Eurotrash elitists wouldn’t listen, and 20 years later, Hitler and his goons came along. Once again, the United States was dragged into yet another mess made by the Europeans and we had to clean it up.

This time, we went against our basic nature and we stayed. We spent the next 70 years spending our money to protect those people and all we got for our troubles was abuse, complaints and demands. Well guess what? Now, Americans are fully prepared to take our ball and go home, and leave the Europeans to clean up the latest mess they’ve made for themselves.

What we will do, is trade with most anyone. The problem again, as usual, has been the Europeans. For the last 70 years, we have seen trade and economic agreements that benefited everyone BUT…America and Americans. This caused the rise of President Trump. He listens to people. He has seen first hand how the globalist elites have screwed over Americans, and he’s now in a position to do something about it. As you can see, both the CommuNazis and the GOP(e) wing of the Beltway Uniparty are fighting him tooth and nail. For them, A re-ascendent America, economically sound, is a bad thing. To that I say…


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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