Pres. Perv defends Sen. Perv

Good day all, Former President William Jefferson Clinton, also known as “The Silver Zipper” The Rapist in Chief, and more commonly, Bubba Horndog, recently came out defending another pervert, former Senator Al Franken.

Franken recently resigned when photographic evidence came out showing him fondling a sleeping woman. This and other actions by that slimy pervert were covered sometime ago. However, Franken the Feeler has his defenders. One of them is Bubba Horndog his own self. Here are the details from Townhall:

PBS’s Judy Woodruff asked former president Bill Clinton Thursday whether he thought it was a “good thing” that norms have changed when it comes to sexual harassment. Woodruff’s example was former Minnesota senator Al Franken being forced to resign his post after accusations that, Woodruff said, were less serious than what happened in the Lewinsky scandal.

And Bubba promptly stomped hard on his wedding tackle.

“Well, in general, I think it’s a good thing, yes,” Clinton said about norms changing.

Not content with shooting himself in both feet with a grenade launcher, Bubba continued justifying groping and sexually assaulting women.

He then proceeded to defend Franken and question the legitimacy of some of the accusations against him.

“I will be honest,” he said, “the Franken case, for me, was a difficult case, a hard case.”

Was it hard because Franken got booted for doing far less then you did? As far as I know, he didn’t rape anyone, unlike you.

He cited the support Franken received from women at ‘Saturday Night Live’ and called the first accusations, from radio anchor Leann Tweeden, “fantastic.”

“There may be things I don’t know. But maybe I’m just an old-fashioned person, but it seemed to me that there were 29 women on ‘Saturday Night Live’ that put out a statement for him, and that the first and most fantastic story was called, I believe, into question,” he said.

And then Ms. Tweeden dropped the nuke from orbit, since it was the only way to be sure.

Tweeden provided photographic evidence of former Sen. Franken appearing to grope her as she slept. She also said Franken forcibly kissed her, an incident Franken says he remembers differently.

“Too late to wade into it now,” Clinton concluded of the incident. He added that it is a “grievous thing” to remove an elected official from office.

“I mean, I think it’s a grievous thing to take away from the people a decision they have made, especially when there is an election coming up again,” he said. “But it’s done now.”

Considering the lengths you and that badly dressed sack of manure you call a wife, Felonia von Pantsuit, went to keep you out of prison, I can see why you think it was so “grievous” that Franken was pressured into resigning.

One of the things that’s beginning to happen is that people that the Clintons had cowed into supporting them are beginning to throw off the shackles and are now turning on them.

The former president has been in hot water recently over being unwilling to personally apologize to Monica Lewinsky despite declaring his support for the Me Too movement.

To be honest, Monica did open her mouth voluntarily. She was just to stupid to get her dress dry cleaned afterwards. What I find amusing is just how out of touch Bubba is.

Woodruff also put Clinton in the hot seat over his friendship with Harvey Weinstein. Clinton emphasized that he mainly saw Weinstein at events when he was with his family. “I didn’t know,” he said, “no one ever said anything to me.

No one believes that for a second. Bubba has a long and sordid history of hanging around perverts and pedophiles. He racked up a lot of frequent flier miles on convicted sex offender Jeffery Epstein’s plane, nicknamed the “Lolita Express.” If you think it was just for simple travel reasons, I have bridges and swampland I think you may also be interested in.

What we’re seeing is the Democrat CommuNazi party imploding. For decades, they accused the Republicans of doing every sort of evil thing under the sun. Now the tables have been turned, and it’s the Democrats who are getting it in the shorts. Unlike their accusations towards the Republicans, the accusers charging the Democrats have a bad habit of providing hard, irrefutable evidence. Now we have one pervert defending another pervert. This is how far the Democrats have sunk.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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