USSC rules in favor of Colorado Baker..

And the Moonbats go barking mad. Good day all. A few years ago, a gay couple went into a bakery in Colorado and tried to order a customized cake. The baker had no problem with the basic cake, but balked at the customization.

He politely refused their business. These gay militant promptly ran to the Colorado “Civil right” bureau and demanded that the baker, Jack Philips, be destroyed. The so called Civil Rights bureau promptly did just that. Last week, the United States Supreme Court, in a narrow decision, ruled 7-2 that the Colorado Civil Rights bureau had, in fact, violated the civil rights of Mr. Philips.

Needless to say, the Progressives, Liberals, Democrats and CommuNazis, (I have to learn to stop repeating myself), went nuts. They started holding protests because their “Feewings was hurt” and engaging in their usual tactics. IN this case, it’s posting one star reviews on Mr. Philips bakery. Here are some of the details from the Washington Post:

Since the high court ruled Monday in his favor, the owner of the Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood has been faced with protesters and a deluge of one-star reviews on Yelp, but he’s not complaining. Far from it. “It’s been quite a week, but God is so good,” Mr. Phillips told the friendly crowd at the Colorado Convention Center.

Conservatives hailed the ruling as a victory for First Amendment rights, while critics held a protest hours after the decision’s release featuring Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper at the state capital in Denver.

Since this case began, it’s become fairly clear that the “Couple” had an agenda. There were many other bakeries who had no problem fulfilling their order the way they wanted it. However, they had heard about Mr. Philips religious issues with the “Couple’s” lifestyle and felt that fulfilling the order as specified would go against his beliefs.

They went into that bakery with a plan and it was to set a precedent that people and businesses had to accept the homosexual lifestyle, whether they wanted to or not. The Colorado Civil rights bureau, made up primarily of hard left CommuNazis who despise Christians promptly ruled against Mr. Philips. That’s when the court cases began, with the final ruling last week. To say that the CommuNazis aren’t taking this well would be an understatement.

Meanwhile, the Masterpiece Cakeshop’s page on Yelp has been slammed with hundreds of politically motivated one-star reviews accusing Mr. Phillips of “bigotry,” some with photos of same-sex marriage ceremonies.

Said another: “Food made with hate does not taste good. This establishment is homophobic.”

This is the standard response from the barking moonbats when something doesn’t go their way. Insult, threaten and insult some more. Actually engaging in a discussion to find some common ground is not to be considered. For the Progressive CommuNazis, it’s always “My way or off to the reeducation camps for you!” However, these one star reviews have been so blatantly political that Yelp felt it had to step in.

The traffic prompted Yelp to post an “active cleanup alert,” saying that “we will ultimately remove reviews that that appear to be motivated more by the news coverage itself rather than by the reviewer’s own customer experience with the business.”

I don’t use Yelp all that much. Occasionally I’ll come across a Yelp review. I’m assuming that they have a mechanism in place to get a general location of where the poster is located. If they aren’t local to the shop, then it’s a fairly safe bet that they’ve never actually been there.

A band of activists turned up at the cakeshop Friday for a protest called “Gay Party at Bigot Bakery,” backed by groups including the People for Bernie Sanders and Millennials for Revolution, but they were met by dozens of counter-protesters in support of Mr. Phillips. hose in the pro-Phillips group waved signs with messages like “Justice for Jack,” “Love Free Speech” and “Stand up for Religious Freedom,” as shown on footage by Fox31 in Denver.

There is nothing more frustrating to a CommuNazi moonbat then another group showing up in support of their target(s). Most of the time, it remains loud, but peaceful, but of late, when people stand up to the CommuNazis, they tend to call in tehir goon squads from Antifa. Of course, Antifa is nothing more then a bunch of wimps compared to their ancestral group, the Sturmabteilung. The old S.A. would fall down laughing at the antics of today’s CommuNazis.

As for Mr. Philips? He had a tasteful way of handling the situation in front of his shop.

Mr. Phillips responded by speaking to the opposing parties — and handing out cookies.

The court’s decision makes clear that tolerance is a two-way street,” said Mr. Phillips at the summit. “If we want to have freedom for ourselves, we have to extend it to others with whom we disagree. Even about important issues like the meaning of marriage.”

The problem is, the left is utterly intolerant of any view not their own. They will use any means to get their way. It usually involves running to one of their pet judges who will happily tear up the Constitution to give the Moonbats what they want. In the cases, such as this one, where they lose, they go right off the deep end. These lunatics are incapable of understanding that most people will tolerate them, but don’t want it waved in their faces, or forced to support what they perceive as a perversion.

There are many instances where I will start discussing something with people and find that we will never agree. I don’t scream, rant, rave and make threats. I just assume that we will agree to disagree and move on. I see this all the time when I make a comment on something on a discussion board.

There are times when I will make the occasional comment to a story I read or another comment. When I am responding to someone I disagree with, I don’t resort to name calling. I will use facts and logic. Since CommuNazis are incapable of using logic, and will make up their own facts with no citations, they usually start sputtering and drooling. When that happens, the insults and threats come out.

When that happens, I just turn the tables on them and make them look like the utter and complete fools they are. Then they begin their decent into online insanity, much to the amusement of others on the forums. This is why the Left is starting to resort to violent assaults. They know they’ve lost, and that the general public is rejecting their ideas. What’s worse, the courts are starting to wake up as well and now they’re losing on that front as well. This is why we see this happening more and more.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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