George Soros whines…

That his cunning plans are failing. Good day all. Last week, Billionaire totalitarian, George Soros gave an interview where he complained that everything he was trying to do is failing, and that he can’t understand why.

It wasn’t supposed to be this way. Soros and the rest of his like minded forces of evil, fully expected that the United States would be ruled by Felonia von Pantsuit, that the borders would be opened to a flood of illegal aliens, that Europe would be fully integrated under a new ruling class of Bureaucrats, and that he and his family and friends would be the new rulers.

Soros has spent tens of millions trying to buy elections and put his people into place. He just ran into one problem. The voters. They had other ideas and no interest in surrendering their rights to the likes of Soros and the Brussels Bureaucrats. Here are some of the details from the Washington (Com)Post:

George Soros, the billionaire investor and liberal donor, sat in his hotel suite by Lake Zurich this week, lamenting the turn much of the world has taken in recent years: “Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong.”

His favored presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, lost to President Trump, whose “America First” platform runs counter to the globalism Soros embraces. Trump, he said, “is willing to destroy the world.” The European Union, which Soros once hoped would be so successful that he could end his charitable work in the region, is contending with the impending loss of Britain and a rise of anti-immigrant sentiment. And Soros himself has emerged as a political target in elections from Hungary to California, where his donations have been used as a cudgel against the causes he supports.

The 87-year-old Holocaust survivor, who has poured much of his fortune into promoting liberal values around the globe, is now confronting a wave of nationalist sentiment washing against issues he has championed.

First things first. Soros is NOT a Holocaust survivor. He, while Jewish and being in Nazi occupied Hungary, was never caught and never went to the camps. There are stories that, as a teenager, he collaborated with the Nazis. Whether he did or not, he did steal the property of Jews who were caught and murdered by the Nazis. He also despises Israel. Basically, if he hadn’t been Jewish, he would have probably joined with the Nazis in rounding them up. To continue…

For all the billions of dollars at his disposal, Soros is also being forced to reckon with limits on his political influence in the United States. He acknowledged that he did not see Trump’s election coming. “Apparently, I was living in my own bubble,” he said.

Generally, Progressives, Liberals, Democrats and CommuNazis, (There I go again, repeating myself), don’t deal with facts and reality to well. Everyone thought that Felonia von Pantsuit was going to win the election. To be honest, I went to sleep election night expecting a 4 year horror show. When I woke up, like millions of others, we saw the results and breathed a deep sigh of relief.

Brexit should have been an alarm to the totalitarians that Soros and his ilk count among their friends. The Brussels Bureaucrats have been wrecking the British way of life for years, and the Brits decided enough was enough and pulled the plug. This also stunned the so called “Leaders” in Britain who thought that what the people wanted wasn’t important.

Soros, who plans to spend at least $15 million in 2018 races, has already faced some setbacks this cycle. His bid to replace several district attorneys in California with challengers seeking changes to the criminal justice system was largely unsuccessful in Tuesday’s elections. “We ran into a brick wall in California,” he said.

The problem with Soros’s plan to put his people into place as State’s Attorneys General is that the AG’s don’t make laws, they enforce them. If they refuse to do so, or abuse their offices, they can be removed by the state legislatures, or even criminally charged. (Worst case scenario, which hasn’t, and hopefully won’t happen, is someone just flat out shooting one for trying to railroad someone into prison)

Soros said he is certain in his assessment of Trump, whom he describes as a “narcissist” who “considers himself all-powerful.”

I see George Soros is engaging in that popular Leftist pastime known as “Projection.” President Trump drives people like Soros nuts because he actually follows the laws and the Constitution, to the letter. Compare this to President “Pen & Phone” and his complete contempt for the rule of law and the Constitution. Soros believes that Obama was acting perfectly.

But he does not appear settled on the strategy to defeat him. Soros said he disapproves of a campaign by fellow liberal billionaire Tom Steyer to push to impeach the president, saying he would only support such an effort if Democrats retake Congress this year and gain Republican support.

Steyer is flat out insane and so delusional that he can’t see what would happen if the CommuNazis actually did railroad President Trump out of office on bogus charges. It will tell millions of people that what they want doesn’t matter and that the Progressive Left wing will do anything to gain power. That’s when the shooting starts. Soros, like Steyer are incapable of seeing this.

Soros also has a long history of meddling in other nations affairs, none of it for the benefit of the local people. He’s managed to royally piss off the Hungarian government, to the point that his “Charitable Organizations” have been run out of that country. He’s also beginning to annoy Putin, and that can prove fatal.

Last week, Putin suggested that Soros’s spending around the world resembles the kind of political interference that U.S. intelligence officials blame on Russia.

He intervenes in things all over the world,” Putin told Austrian television. “But the State Department will tell you that it has nothing to do with that, that this is the personal business of Mr. Soros.”

Elsewhere in Europe, Soros has also come under attack. This year, Viktor Orban, the right-wing prime minister of Hungary, won reelection after charging that Soros wanted to flood Europe with Muslim immigrants. Orban said one of his first efforts would be to pass a “Stop Soros” bill, aimed at cracking down on organizations he views as countering his agenda.

It isn’t just Viktor Orban who views Soros and company as a threat, Orban’s recent reelection seems to indicate that the Hungarian people don’t trust their former native either. Orban’s political party won a clear majority in the parliamentary elections, much to Soros’s disgust

George Soros long term goal has always been a One World Socialist totalitarian government with himself and his partners ruling over everything. Since he doesn’t do what President Trump does, which is actually talk to people, he doesn’t have any idea what people want or need. Do you want to know the difference between President Trump and George Soros?

One of my coworkers happened to be in New York with a date. They were heading into a building when Donald Trump came out. Donald Trump held the door open for my coworker. Do you think George Soros would even consider doing something like that? As Harry Hart of the fictional movie said, “Manners maketh man.” Soros is an ill mannered lout with delusions of grandeur.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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