More progressives being fired under Trump

Good day all. After the 2008 financial crises, (Exasperated by Obama and the Democrats CommuNazis), a major overhaul of the financial laws occurred. One of these was the creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (CFPB).

This blatantly unconstitutional bureau was shoved through the congress by the CommuNazis led by Senator Elizabeth, (Big Chief Sitting Bullshit), Warren. The law that created was so badly written that now Warren is being driven nuts by the current director. Warren and the other CommuNazis assumed that they would always control Congress and so would be the ones running this disaster. Then came President Felonia von Pantsuit Donald J. Trump and all their plans went right down the drain.

When the previous director resigned, President Trump appointed an interim director. This caused a problem inside the CFPB, since those arrogant scum thought they didn’t answer to him. The original second in command assumed she was in charge, right up until she was escorted out the door by the new director, Mick Mulvaney.

Once he took charge, he started looking at what the CFPB was doing, and basically put a stop to it. (This bureau has been acting as a law unto itself in complete violation of the Constitution) This drove the Moonbats nuts, and Senator Lie-a-watha Warren started making demands when Mulvaney appeared in front of the committee she is on. Mulvaney’s answer to her questions and demands was “I am required to appear and here I am. However, according to the law that you wrote, I don’t have to respond to any of your questions, and I’m not going to.”

As expected, Fauxahontas went nuts, along with most of the Mostly Stupid Media. Mulvaney just smiled and continued his work in gutting this agency. Now he’s done it again. Last week, he fired the entire CFPB advisory board. Here are the details from Town Hall:

It’s an agency that you wouldn’t think would be in the news much, but the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau became another front in the war against the Trump administration for the Left. Now, acting director Mick Mulvaney has just fired the entire 25-member advisory board, which was starting to criticize the front office.

Last night, Mulvaney told its members that they were being replaced. You’re fired, as Trump would say. It’s a purge, some late spring-cleaning but one that could bring this administration into conflict with congressional Democrats (via WaPo):

Mick Mulvaney, acting director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, fired the agency’s 25-member advisory board Wednesday, (June 6th), days after some of its members criticized his leadership of the watchdog agency. The CFPB said it will revamp the Consumer Advisory Board, known as the CAB, in the fall with all new members.

The panel has traditionally played an influential role in advising the CFPB’s leadership on new regulations and policies. But some members, who include prominent consumer advocates, academics and industry executives, began to complain that Mulvaney was ignoring them and making unwise decisions about the agency’s future.

A couple of things here. First, for a bureau that has existed for less then 10 years, how could it have any traditions? Second, of course Mick Mulvaney was ignoring them. He actually is thinking of real consumers and has no interest in listing to people who have never had a real job in their lives, or who are nothing more than Crony Capitalists who’s sole goal was using the CFPB as a way to crush their competition and enrich themselves.

On Monday, June 4th), 11 CAB members held a news conference and criticized Mulvaney for, among other things, canceling legally required meetings with the group.

On Wednesday, group members were notified that they were being replaced — and that they could not reapply for spots on the new board.

Reading through the Washington Compost piece, (So you won’t have to), you can see that the writer is very unhappy with what took place. The comments section was even more entertaining. You had a few people who supported the decision, some of them understanding that this bureau should never have come into existence, and then you have the raging moonbats barking up a storm.

Barking Moonbat

The Progressive CommuNazis, (But I’m repeating myself), are literally going bug house nuts over their pet totalitarian agency being gutted. It began, after Mulvaney threw out Leandra English, who though she was to be the next director after Comrade Richard Cordray left to run for governor in Ohio. She tried to assume control of the bureau and was told, in no uncertain terms, that she wasn’t getting the job.

She attempted to rule the bureau, telling everyone that she was the one in charge, and not President Trump’s choice, Mick Mulvaney. It didn’t end well for her. She was fired, and tied to sue her way back into the job, hoping the courts would once again usurp authority they don’t have. It didn’t work out for her.

In the end, Mulvaney won out, with the courts ruling that the Trump White House could fill the vacancy, though English filed a lawsuit to block him from assuming the position. Still, there’s consternation with some within the CFPB, as a group of disgruntled losers, calling themselves “Dumbledore’s Army,” who reportedly communicate with each other on encrypted devices.

And that is all you need to know regarding reasons to fire everyone in that bureau and close it down. There is no congressional oversight at all, (Mulvaney proved that to the consternation of the CommuNazis who created this farce), it’s out of control, although Mulvaney is actually trying to reign them in, and they are generating enough income for themselves that they don’t need to go to Congress for funding, further isolating them from any oversight. (Mulvaney sent up a budget request that totaled zero dollars)

Hopefully, the midterms will benefit the Republicans, (The real ones, not the ones from the Party of stupid wing or the Uniparty wing), and President Trump can put forward legislation shutting down this disgrace. When he does that, yet another bit of “Obama Legacy” ends up in the garbage.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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