Surprise! Obama Lied…again

Good day all. As we now know, the Obama/Kerry cave-in to the Iranians was a complete disaster. The so called “Deal” did nothing for the United States and gave the Iranians everything they could ever want, especially hard currency.

President Trump has started the process of unwinding the United States from this disgrace, much to the consternation of the Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys in Eurostan and the Beltway. The problem for them is that each week brings out ever more information on just how bad this was for the United States and how much Barack Obama did to help Iran. How bad? Here are some of the details from Fox News. (The rest of the treasonous media will never cover this)

The Obama administration granted a license letting Iran access the United States financial system despite officials’ pledges that they would prohibit it, according to a draft report from the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.

On Feb. 24, 2016, the Treasury Department issued a specific license to Bank Muscat to authorize the conversion of Iran’s rials to euros through ‘any United States depository institution …,’” the draft report said. “Even after the specific license was issued, U.S. government officials maintained in congressional testimony that Iran would not be granted access to the U.S. financial system.”

The Obama administration during the negotiation of the Iran deal misled the American people,” said Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), subcommittee chairman. “I think they did so because they were desperate to get a deal.”

There is some good news here, of a sort. Although the liar in chief and his flunky, Ketchup Boy tried to get American banks to help the terrorist nation of Iran, they refused.

Government officials tried to convince two U.S. banks to execute the conversion. They both declined, citing the complexity and the unwanted appearance involved in processing an Iranian transaction, according to the report.

It wasn’t just the appearances that worried the banks, it was the probability of actual criminal charges as well. Granted, it was expected that Felonia von Pantsuit, who was preparing her stagger to the Oval Office, would now be the president, the bank administrators decided the risk was just to great. Events have proven them to be prescient.

Without a compliant American bank, a senior State Department official said he believed Bank Muscat and Iran eventually used European banks to convert the funds, said the committee.

And once again, we know that the Eurotrash will always stab the United States in the back. As I’ve said before, the Europeans will always be there….when they need us.

A former administration official disputes the subcommittee’s conclusion, saying the Treasury Department never authorized Iran to access U.S. investments or markets, conduct commercial transactions in U.S. dollars or open correspondent accounts at U.S. banks.

This specific license cannot be described as ‘granting access to the U.S. financial system,’” the former official said. “This specific license was in fulfillment of JCPOA commitments to give Iran access to pools of its money held overseas. It was aimed solely to allow the movement of Iran’s own funds stranded at an Omani bank into euros at a European bank, where Iran could then make use of them.”

For Obama minions, the truth is an alien concept. The fact is, Obama and Kerry flat out lied to Congress and to the American people. They gave active aid to an enemy that has been attacking America for 40 years. There is a term for this. It’s called “Treason” and it looks like Der Fubar, Ketchup Boy and most of the Obama Regime, along with a few members of the CommuNazi party, may have committed it.

Normally, you would expect the Attorney General to look into something like this, and if we had one that was awake, he would. Instead, we’re going to spend years cleaning up yet another mess made by King Putt and his crew of criminals with no help at all from Sleepy Sessions.

As an aside, I’ve debated with a retired lawyer or two about criminally charging a former president of the United States. Not for their policies, but on actual crimes that would get anyone else arrested and convicted. (Unless you’re Felonia von Pantsuit that is) They have both been against it, using the excuse that “If a former president could face criminal charges, he or she won’t leave office.”

I have tried to convince them that they are mistaken. For a president to try to stay in office beyond their term would invite physical removal up to and including being shot in the head. Americans won’t stand for anyone staying in office beyond their formal term.

Unfortunately, I can’t convince them of this. I respect them and their opinion. I just think they don’t see what would happen if, say Obama or if she had won, von Pantsuit, tried to stay in office. They could never leave the White House, and honestly, there would be a fair chance that they would be taken out by their own security detail or the military. (They are sworn to defend the Constitution, not the President)

The more we learn of the corruption of the Obama regime, the more I think we will need to start making examples of him and his minions, if only to keep future elected leaders honest. Yes, that includes President Trump.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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