CommuNazi Blackshirts at it again

Good day all. Last year, after President Trump took office, a large group of thugs, calling themselves the Anti-Fascists, or Antifa, started attacking anyone who wouldn’t toe the Liberal Progressive line.

There were flat out assaults against people who support President Trump, the Constitution, family values and the American way of life. In a few cases, local CommuNazi politicians ordered police to stand down and let the assaults happen. Things started petering out when the groups these S.A. wannabes were attacking started fighting back and showing up with guns.

We all thought that these groups were going to go away after that, since they were actually harming the political positions of the Democrats CommuNazis. Apparently not. There was another assault by these Antifa Fascists yesters, (Sunday June 4th) in Portland, Oregon. Here are the details from Fox News:

Violence broke out in downtown Portland, Oregon, on Sunday as Antifa activists stormed a Patriot Prayer rally — about a year after similar dueling rallies triggered bloody fights and arrests. Some protesters on Sunday hurled bottles and fireworks at police officers while others were caught with knives and other weapons, Portland Police tweeted. Officials encouraged people to get out of the immediate area “for their safety.”

As usual, the Antifa thugs wore masks to hide themselves while the people they assaulted didn’t. The police appear to have actually tried to do their job this time, but the Antifa fascists still went on a rampage. One thing the Police did was stop anyone coming into the area with weapons.

This slowed down the Antifa thugs, who had to hide their devices of mayhem. It also kept a number of them from one way trips to the city morgue. Why you ask? Simply, the peop[le attending the patriot prayer rally obeyed the law, (Something Progressives, Antifa and CommuNazis don’t do), and left their guns at home or locked in their cars.

If this is a one off deal, Antifa going after one group one time, then we aren’t going to see any real issues. If they ramp up again this summer, I fully expect to see people that are being attacked fighting back and with lethal force. In other words, the guns will come out this time and the Antifa thugs are going to see what happens when people who know what they are doing.

This is absolutely the last thing we need in this country, but the Left seems to be looking for a full blown violent confrontation with anyone that doesn’t toe the Progressive line. If they continue their violent assaults, they might just get their wish, and God help them, because no one else will.

To date, the targets of Antifa and the other Progressive groups have been very restrained in defending themselves. Last year, when Antifa ramped up their violence, people started showing up with guns. In most cases, that put a damper on the Antifa’s violent tendencies, which was the goal.

I do know of one instance, when a mob of these thugs stormed a stage, one person did pull a gun. He didn’t fire and was able to evade the attackers. If we’re about to see a repeat of last year, I don’t think the targets of Antifa’s ire are going to show that level of restraint. If the police fail to stop Antifa’s attacks, either through being overwhelmed or being ordered, again, to stand aside, the people will defend themselves. After that happens? God help us all.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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