Apple wants to control the News

Good day all. Once upon a time, there was a small computer company called Apple. They wanted to bring information to “The Masses.” They designed a new computer and called it “The Macintosh” and said “It is good.”

When Apple announced the Mac, way back in the early days of computing, they released a commercial that won rave reviews. The commercial was meant to show that Apple computers equaled freedom of thought and expression.

In the years that followed, Apple, under Steve Jobs, developed an almost cult like group of followers. Whenever Apple released a new product, you would see lines from the Apple store going around the block.

There was just one small problem. Rather then being free and open, Apple, especially under Steve Jobs, made Stalin’s USSR look like a free nation. Apple was relentless in suppressing anything that smacked of freedom. When Steve Jobs came back to Apple, he promptly shut down all the manufacturers that were making clones of their products. (Under license)

Since Jobs croaked, the new management has continued in his totalitarian ways of thinking, moving to suppress anything that they determined was “Bad thought.” Now, Apple wants to decide what news stories you will be allowed to see. Here are the details from the NTK Network:

Apple’s Vice President of Product Marketing Susan Prescott made an alarming announcement that Apple would be selecting the top news stories that appear in Apple News during the company’s Worldwide Developers Conference on Monday. According to Prescott, Apple News’ editorial team will be selecting the top news stories of the day for millions of potential readers.

News is a personalized feed where you can see all the stories you want to read, pulled together from trusted sources, and our top stories are handpicked by the Apple News editorial team,” Prescott said.

Prescott did not say what the criteria would be for Apple News to consider a source “trusted,” but conservatives will find this announcement particularly alarming.

Apple is run by hard left crony capitalists. They are typical of the “Progressive Elites” and with a few differences in outlook, fit right in with the old Robber Barons of the lat 19th and early 20th century. Like them, the Ultra-rich progressives running the various tech companies think they know what’s best, and that dissent must be suppressed. They very idea that Apple is even considering this, never mind actually putting it in place should be worrying.

Last year, Apple announced that it hired to head Apple News Lauren Kern, who previously served as executive editor for the liberal New York Magazine. Apple’s hiring of Kern raised questions about the Cupertino-based company’s impartiality when it comes to news.

Oh there is no question at all regarding their impartiality. They aren’t impartial. What people will see in their news feeds will be nothing more, or less, then hardcore left-wing pro-Democrat, Progressives propaganda. It certainly won’t be news and information.

Last August, Apple News was criticized for selecting anti-Trump stories as its top news story of the day.

And, as we can see, they learned nothing. This is the problem with companies that are sitting on close to $1 trillion in assets and cash. They want to spend it to make the world a better place…for themselves and those who think like them. Anyone else? They will crush them and send them to “Special places to be trained in “Right Think”.

The way a proper news feed works is, they put everything up and the end user can select what they want to see first. For a die hard Never Trumper who thinks that the Antifa Fascists are doing the right thing, they will want news tailored for their echo chamber.

For someone like me, who likes President Trump and what he’s trying to do, and leans towards what some call, “Conservative,” (Actually, I’m the founding member of the “Leave me the Hell alone!” party), I tend towards other news sources. That doesn’t mean I live in an echo chamber, which is where most of the Progressive Elites and their subjects minions followers live.

You will see me quoting articles, (And fisking them), from sources such as the New York Slimes, the Washington ComPost and the Los Angeles fishwrap. (That would be the NY Times, the Washington Post and the LA Times), As you can see, I hold a rather low opinion of their product, but I do read it when something pops up)

This is the opposite of what a True Believer in the Progressive CommuNazi way of doing things does. They won’t even look at any idea that doesn’t match their own, and if something comes along that blows a hole in their view of things, they get insulting and threatening. Listening and discussing different viewpoints is something they are philosophically incapable of.

The best thing Apple could do is to drop the whole idea. They won’t of course since THEY know what’s best for people and they will be happy to tell you what to do, what to read and what to think. The 1984 commercial that Apple created decades ago? Back then, they thought of themselves as the woman with the hammer. Today, they are the guy on the screen.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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