More Man caused Global Warming…Where?

Good day all. As we’ve all come to know, the Progressive moonbats love to screech out that “The Earth os going to BURN!! Global Warming! We’re all going to die!” Of course, when it didn’t happen, the moved on to Man Caused Climate Change and started screeching about that.

That is also being roundly ignored by anyone with a functioning brain, (Which removes pretty much anyone on the Left). However, that hasn’t stopped scientists in search of grant money to try and find Global Warming and Climate Change somewhere. Anywhere in fact, and that includes other planets. In this case, they are now blaming humans for global warming on the Moon. Here are the details from Fox News:

Scientists have finally figured out the reason behind a small but noticeable uptick in the temperature of the moon’s subsurface while it was under study by astronauts of the Apollo missions in the 1970s.

Subsurface? You mean under the surface of the Moon? I wonder how they get that temperature, shove a thermometer up the Moon’s ass?

The culprit? Blame those very same astronauts. The CBC explains: Astronauts walking on the moon or riding around in rovers disturbed the surface soil and exposed the darker soil beneath.

The darker soil then absorbed more of the sun’s heat instead of reflecting it away, and that resulted in the temperatures rising 1.8 degrees to 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit from 1971 to 1977.

So, it wasn’t due to the infamous “Greenhouse Gasses” the AGW Morons love to scream about? I also question these results. The Apollo missions really didn’t cover that much ground, maybe a square mile at best. As to how they got these readings? It looks like they DID shove a thermometer up the Moon’s ass.

The readings came from probes sunk into the moon in 1971 and 1972 by astronauts, and the data was collected through 1977, according to a release at

“You can actually see the astronauts’ tracks, where they walked,” says Walter Kiefer of the Lunar and Planetary Institute, co-author of the new study in the Journal of Geophysical Research.

And we can see … where they scuffed dirt up—and what it leaves behind is a darker path.” The revelation holds lessons for future space exploration, adds lead author Seiichi Nagihara of Texas Tech University.

“In the process of installing the instruments you may actually end up disturbing the surface thermal environment of the place where you want to make some measurements.”

So, what you are saying is that the data might be inaccurate due to the astronauts walking around in environment suits designed to keep them not dead? Perhaps you would have preferred that they remove their suits and walk around carefully replacing the dirt they moved around?

What this shows is that this is a local phenomenon, NOT some “The Moon is going to melt and Humans are to blame and “WE’RE ALL GOING TO DIE” deal. How about you do something else to make yourselves useful, like figuring out how we’re going to get back to the Moon and eventually go to the Stars? Oh wait! I forgot. People who members of the Church of Global Warming Climate Change generally hate humans and want most of them dead and gone. The only ones who deserve to live are those, like themselves, who are pious worshipers at the Alter of Global Warming Climate Change. How silly of me.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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