Happy Thanksgiving 2018

Good day all, and Happy Thanksgiving! yes, once again it’s time for Americans to give thanks and indulge in the traditional American pastime of stuffing ourselves with roast turkey with all the fixings.

Of course, no one asked the turkey’s if they minded being slaughtered and devoured, but then, who cares? It’s their own fault that nature made them so tasty!

Of course, there are those who balk at eating a poor, defenseless member of the avian culture. for them, I have this load of horse manure.

Yeah, I agree. If someone pushes me to try it, I will push that into the nearest trash receptacle, followed by pushing the purveyor of this disgrace right out the front door.

Next comes the nightmare that is Black Friday. Thanks to President Trump’s hard work, people have money and a pent up desire to spend it. Me? I stupidly agreed to work Black Friday even though all U.S. offices are closed. Well, I do get two extra paid days off in exchange.

Eat, Drink and watch Football!


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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