Jeff Snowflake continues being a jerk

Good day all. There is an old saying that goes, “There is no one freer then someone with nothing left to lose.” it seems that Senator, (For now), Jeff Snowflake intends to polish his Never Trump credentials by blocking any judges President Trump nominates.

Snowflake, who decided not to seek reelection due to ill health, (The voters were sick of him), hates Donald Trump. He is fully on board with anything that might get President Trump out of office. Since the only one doing this is Robert Mueller, Snowflake wants to make sure president Trump can’t fire his corrupt ass. He’s threatening to block any judicial nominees until Mueller is protected. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

Sen. Jeff Flake announced Wednesday that he will not vote to advance any new judicial nominees through the Judiciary Committee, nor will he vote to confirm picks on the Senate floor, until he gets his way on unrelated legislation to prevent the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller. Mr. Flake made the announcement on the Senate floor minutes after his bid to pass the bill failed. His threat could block the committee from approving any more judges this year, since the GOP only holds a one-seat majority on the panel.

Actually, no it won’t. The Committee can be bypassed by the Majority leader and he’s already told Snowflake to go pound sand.

It’s less catastrophic to approving judges on the Senate floor, where the GOP holds 51 seats. Even losing Mr. Flake, Republicans could still approve judges on a 50-50 vote with Vice President Mike Pence breaking the tie.

Still, the senator’s move was a major escalation in the battle over Mr. Mueller, who is investigating the 2016 election, Russian interference and Trump campaign figures’ behavior.

The entire Mueller Inquisition was based on a phony dossier that was put together by Felonia von pantsuit and the CommuNazi National Committee. The entire reason for Mueller was never about the so called “Collusion,” it was all about getting President Trump out of the White House.

Mr. Flake and Sen. Chris Coons tried to get the Senate to pass a bill that would have prevented Mr. Mueller from being fired without good cause. They said their bill is of critical importance now that Mr. Trump has ousted Attorney General Jeff Sessions and named an acting attorney general who some fear is looking to curtail the probe.

Interesting how Snowflake is allying himself with one of the major leftists in the Senate. Coons has repeatedly shown that as far as he’s concerned, anyone who stands against the CommuNazi’s agenda needs to be jailed at best, or killed. Coons is literally at the same level as Eric Stilwall with regards to the 2nd Amendment, although he hasn’t publicly called for the nuking of gun owners.

The president now has this investigation in his sights, and we all know it,” Mr. Flake said.

Yes, and this is news how?

He tried to speed the protection bill through the Senate, but fellow Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, blocked that.

I don’t think any legislation’s necessary,” Mr. McConnell had told reporters hours earlier.

There are a few other problems with it, such as President Trump vetoing it, not to mention the questionable constitutionality of it. Of course, Snowflake, being a Deep State Uniparty swamp dweller has not problem ignoring the Constitution.

He said he agrees the Mueller probe should be allowed to finish, but said he has not seen any evidence that Mr. Trump will sink the investigation.

Here’s what could happen. President Trump doesn’t so much fire Robert Mueller and utterly destroy him instead. Mueller and the people he has working for him have a long track record of playing fast and loose with the Constitution and the law. A new Attorney General might end up indicting all of Mueller’s cronies, such as James Comey and Rod Rodentstain.

We’ve already seen how Mueller indicted some Russian companies, only to have those indictments blow up in his face. He and his band of merry meatheads never expected to actually have to try a case and were caught flat footed when one of the defendants, through their lawyers, showed up and pleaded not guilty. Then they made their discovery demands of classified materials used by Mueller and his mob to file the fake charges. Now Mueller has to decide whether to give the files to the defense or drop the charges.

Oh, one last thing. One of the companies he indicted didn’t exist in 2016.

Still, Mr. Flake’s threat to action on judicial nominees strikes at Mr. McConnell’s heart. He has said his top priority as the GOP’s Senate leader is confirming the president’s judicial picks.

Actually, no it doesn’t. Snowflake was counting on the RINO sisters, (Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski), to back him up. They’ve basically told him to go have carnal relations with a cactus. The worst case is, President Trump has to wait until January when he will have a larger GOP senate, and Jeff Snowflake will be gone, melting in the Arizona desert.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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