And that’s it for Florida

Good day all. The Florida election has finally been concluded. The CommuNazi’s incompetent attempt to steal this election failed, and now we have a Republican governor and a new Republican Senator.

In Georgia, Stacey Abrams has finally given up since they weren’t able to find enough “Undiscovered ballot boxes” to give her the votes she needed to steal the gubernatorial election. In Arizona, the mystery of 16,000 “Found” votes, almost all for the Democrat does have the smell of a stolen election, but that is something that needs to be looked into.

Getting back to Florida, the crooked mayor of Tallahassee threw in the towel when the inept Broward County Supervisor of Elections (Fraud), failed to manufacture find enough votes to give the election to him. Now, soon to be former Senator Bill Nelson has also called it a day. Here are the details from Fox News:

Florida’s long-time Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson conceded to Republican challenger Gov. Rick Scott Sunday, drawing the hotly contested race to represent the Sunshine State to a close after 12 days of legal wrangling.

Even bringing in an Obama Judge couldn’t steal this election, no matter how hard he tried.

According to the Florida Secretary of State’s office, Scott led Nelson by approximately 10,000 votes after the state’s 67 counties completed machine and manual recounts.

Nelson, who served three terms in the U.S. Senate, met his match in Scott, who launched a competitive campaign for Florida votes. Scott, a two-term governor of the state, said Nelson called him to “graciously” concede and that Scott, in turn, thanked Nelson for his years of service. Scott has now won narrow victories in three statewide races since 2010.

In other words, Nelson basically said, “You won you Son of a Bitch!” and Scott replied “Get the Hell out of my office loser!”

Election Day results showed Nelson trailing Scott by more than 56,000 votes. Scott’s lead narrowed to 12,603 votes after a statewide machine recount. The new numbers triggered an automatic hand recount under Florida law.

Interesting that the CommuNazis were able to “Find” 40,000 votes. Pity that they all failed math and didn’t understand that they needed at least 57,000 votes.

After it became clear that the race between Nelson and Scott would head to a legally required recount, Nelson and Democrats filed several lawsuits that challenged everything from Scott’s authority over the state’s election division to deadlines for mail-in ballots.

They never learn. This was the same load of crap Al Gore tried in 2000 and that went nowhere fast. It didn’t help that the lawyers also wanted the votes of criminals and illegal aliens to be counted as well.

The Nelson campaign managed to secure only one win in court. U.S. District Judge Mark Walker gave voters until 5 p.m. on Saturday to fix their ballots if they haven’t been counted because of mismatched signatures. Nearly 5,700 ballots were rejected because signatures on ballot envelopes did not match signatures kept on file by election officials.

Walker rejected a request by Democrats to automatically count all the ballots with mismatched signatures. He also rejected a request to waive deadlines for domestic mail-in ballots even if they had been mailed prior to Election Day. Under Florida law, ballots mailed inside the United States must be in election offices by 7 p.m. on Election Day in order to count. Overseas ballots are counted if they are received up to 10 days after the election.

Even an Obama judge has to uphold the law on occasion, unless he wants to find himself facing impeachment…or worse, criminal charges.

It’s unclear what Nelson’s plans will be post-race. The 76-year-old was first elected to office in a state House district near Cape Canaveral in 1972. He’s served three terms in the Florida House, six terms in Congress and was Florida’s insurance commissioner after Hurricane Andrew swept the Miami area.

So he’s never done a days work in the Dreaded Private Sector then? I’m sure he is well qualified to be a Walmart greeter.

The recount was marred by a series of missteps, particularly in Broward and Palm Beach counties, that put Florida back in the national spotlight 18 years after the dramatic 2000 presidential election.

We can blame this one on that fool, Jeb Bush. He was the one who appointed Brenda Snipes to the position originally.

After getting off to a slow start, embattled Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes boasted Thursday about making the state’s deadline for machine recounts.

We are excited to be at this point,” she said Thursday afternoon.

And how did that work out?

A few hours later, election officials were forced to admit the county had uploaded the results of the recount two minutes after the state’s 3 p.m. cutoff — making its machine recount tally void.

Basically, I just worked my ass off for nothing,” Joseph D’Alessandro, Broward County’s election planning and development director, said.

When asked what would happen if Broward missed Sunday’s deadline, county attorney Drew Myers inhaled deeply and told Fox News he couldn’t even entertain the idea.

They have to make that deadline,” he said.

Well they didn’t. In the immortal words of Agent Maxwell Smart, they “Missed it by that much.”

Broward’s bungled recount efforts had many calling for Snipes to step down, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush.

There is no question that Broward County Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes failed to comply with Florida law on multiple counts, undermining Floridians’ confidence in our electoral process,” Bush tweeted on Monday. “Supervisor Snipes should be removed from her office following the recounts.”

So why did you appoint that ninny in the first place? Oh, that’s right, you’re a Moron.

On Tuesday, Snipes said she’s considering leaving after the recount.

It is time to move on,” she said. “I haven’t finalized that. I’ll just check with my family. They’ll tell me what I’m doing.”

And the first thing I read this morning, (November 19th) was that Snipes had, in fact, resigned and was making travel arrangements to a non-extradition country south of the border. In any case, Broward wasn’t the only county to really screw things up.

Like Broward, Palm Beach County also missed its machine recount deadline.

Election supervisor Susan Bucher said the county found “dozens of precincts missing a significant number” of votes and indicated there may be entire boxes of ballots that weren’t counted, according to a report in the New York Times.

Once again, I ask, why weren’t these boxes all placed in a central, secure and guarded location at each polling place? The answer is probably quite simple. The real boxes were. The ones that had been pre-stuffed by the CommuNazis were the ones that were misplaced.

She also blamed the county’s issues on mechanical errors and said the scanning machine overheated. It got so bad that she had to fly in two mechanics to fix the problem. The technicians, though, witnessed Palm Beach County workers jam a paper clip into the scanner’s “enter” button to slow the high-speed scanner down. That action caused a short circuit that cut off the power.

That sounds a lot like deliberate sabotage. I think that warrants an investigation, don’t you?

While there have been no estimates yet on how much the 2018 recount will cost, past recounts have racked up a hefty bill.

It does cost a great deal of money to try and rig an election after all. However, since the debacle of 2000, Florida has been under a microscope when it comes to elections. I believe that this election, nationwide, is probably one of the most “watched” in history. There are any number of questionable recounts and “Found” votes that need to be looked into. I find it interesting that 90% of the time, these “Found” votes benefit Democrats.

Still, the CommuNazis failed in these two races, and this will benefit the people of Florida. The CommuNazi Mayor, if he had managed to slime his way into office, promised to do everything he could to completely wreck the economy of Florida. Now, he can go spend time with his family, and hopefully, a jury. As for Bill Nelson? Good by and good riddance.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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