Who are the real racists?

Good day all. Whenever the Left starts losing an argument, (Which is most of the time), you can count on them to start screaming “RACIST!!!” at anyone who disagrees with them. They like to say that Republicans and Conservatives are always suppressing non-Caucasians. Interestingly, it’s not the Republicans that are hung up on someone’s skin color, it’s liberals.

Recently, a study was done looking how the two groups, (Conservatives and Liberal Moonbats), interact with people of recent African decent. (Note. We all came out of Africa, some more recently than others) The study was done by a well known group of racists from Yale and Princeton Universities. Here are some of the details from The Washington Times:

White liberals present themselves as less competent when addressing minorities, while conservatives use the same vocabulary no matter what the race of their audience, according to a newly released study.

Yale and Princeton researchers found that white Democratic presidential candidates and self-identified liberals played down their competence when speaking to minorities, using fewer words that conveyed accomplishment and more words that expressed warmth.

On the other hand, there were no significant differences in how white conservatives, including Republican presidential candidates, spoke to white versus minority audiences.

White liberals self-present less competence to minorities than to other Whites — that is, they patronize minorities stereotyped as lower status and less competent,” according to the study’s abstract.

Needless to say, these findings startled the researchers.

Cydney Dupree, assistant professor of organizational behavior at the Yale School of Management, said she was surprised by the findings of the study, which sought to discover how “well-intentioned whites” interact with minorities.

It was kind of an unpleasant surprise to see this subtle but persistent effect,” Ms. Dupree said. “Even if it’s ultimately well-intentioned, it could be seen as patronizing.”

Don’t you just love it when a researcher goes into something with a few preconceived notions, and then discover those pesky facts simply do not back up their beliefs?

The study flies in the face of a standard talking point of the political left — that white conservatives are racist — while raising questions about whether liberals are perpetuating racial stereotypes about blacks being less competent than whites.

Here’s one of my “Facts.” Every single liberal I’ve had the displeasure of listening to comes across as a racist of the worst sort. The White Progressives are by far the worst. They think that anyone not like themselves is inferior and “The Great White Father/Mother” must help them. Why? Because these poor people “Of Color”, (I really hate that term by the way), are to ignorant to make any decisions for themselves. Therefore, only the “Well Educated Progressive” is qualified to make decisions for these poor, ignorant African-American’s.

Conservatives, on the other hand, flat out don’t give a damn about someone’s skin color or eye shape. Since they don’t think in terms of skin color, eye shape, etc, then, according to the Progressives, they must be racists, something that Progressives will scream at them constantly.

Ms. Dupree and Princeton’s Susan Fiske analyzed the text for “words related to competence” such as “assertive” and “competitive” and “words related to warmth” such as “supportive” and “compassionate.”

The team found that Democratic candidates used fewer competence-related words in speeches delivered to mostly minority audiences than they did in speeches delivered to mostly white audiences,” said the Yale press release. “The difference wasn’t statistically significant in speeches by Republican candidates.”

Ms. Dupree noted that Republicans also gave fewer speeches to minority audiences.

The reason Republicans gave few speeches is simple. They weren’t invited. Why? Because to many of the “Minority” groups have swallowed the Progressives line that Conservatives are racists. However, many people who happen to be of recent African decent are beginning to see through the lies the Progressives have been spewing and to the horror of Progressives, are thinking for themselves and are beginning to leave the Progressive plantation.

The researchers then set up an experiment in which white liberals were asked to respond to hypothetical individuals named “Emily” and “Lakisha.”

Liberal individuals were less likely to use words that would make them appear highly competent when the person they were addressing was presumed to be black rather than white,” said the release. “No significant differences were seen in the word selection of conservatives based on the presumed race of their partner.”

The reason you don’t want to say Ms. Dupree is that Republicans see people’s potential and treat them as they want to be treated. Progressives, particularly white progressives, see everyone not like them as inferior on an instinctive level.

Ms. Dupree said the “competence downshift” could indicate a greater eagerness by white liberals to connect with those of other races.

My hope is that this work will help include well-intentioned people who see themselves as allies but who may be unwittingly contributing to group divides,” said Ms. Dupree. “There is a broader need to include them in the conversation.”

As the old saying goes, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. The issue is simple. Progressives, especially white progressives, see everyone else as inferior. As for people with dark skin, (Blacks, Hispanics, etc), they see them in exactly the same way they saw them a century ago. They see them as servants who need to be watched since they are all thieves and are looking to steal the silver and molest their daughters.

Progressives love to talk about their favorite progressive Icons, People like Margaret Sanger for instance. What they won’t consider was that Sanger was a flat out racists who saw Blacks as inferior and who needed to “Bred out of existence.” Birth Control and Abortion were aimed at those she considered inferior and who should be stopped from breeding.

Then we have another Darling of the Progressives, President Woodrow Wilson. What they won’t acknowledge was that Wilson was a flat out racist who, once he took office, fired everyone who wasn’t white. He despised the Constitution and believed in segregation. However, the modern Progressive see him as a genius who ushered in such great ideas as the Income Tax and the Federal Reserve. They won’t acknowledge his actions towards Blacks and others.

Finally, we should look at which party did the most for Civil Rights in the country. I’ll give you a hint. It wasn’t the Democrats. They stood against every major civil rights legislation since losing the civil war. Yet when the various civil rights acts were passed, they were the ones to claim credit. Then they used these laws to assuage their liberal guilt by doubling down on their racism. They just hit, and continue to hit different targets.

The results of this study is not a surprise to anyone who thinks logically. (Which lets out the Progressives) It all boils down to this. Progressives only see someone’s skin color. Conservatives see the whole individual. Conservatives and most Republicans understand that a person’s skin color is only a genetic adaption to local conditions, nothing more. This is why the Progressives must accuse the Republicans and Conservatives of being racists. They are projecting on to others what they actually are.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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