Obama Judge Strikes Again!

Good day all. Once again, an Obama judge oversteps his authority in a ruling against the Trump administration. This one was in regards to Sanctuary cities and President Trump’s plan to shut off the money spigot.

Over the last few years, we have seen cities run by CommuNazis protecting illegal aliens and throwing American citizens and lawful resident aliens to the wolves. One of the reasons President Trump was elected was to regain control of the borders and reign in the cities and states that flagrantly violate the laws of the nation. One of these things that President Trump did was shut off the federal money tap to sanctuary cities. Now an Obama judge has told the Administration to turn the taps back on. Here are the details from Fox News:

A federal judge reportedly ruled against the Trump administration on Friday, determining that it wasn’t permitted to hold back millions of dollars in grant money from multiple states and New York City operating as “sanctuary” jurisdictions. The decision from U.S. District Judge Edgardo Ramos was in favor of a petition by New York City and the state of New York, as well as others, according to The Associated Press.

And in a surprise to no one, this jerk is another Obama appointed Judge.

The situation reportedly came to light after President Trump, through an executive order, said sanctuary cities would not be eligible to receive federal grants in many circumstances. After this order, the Justice Department instituted new requirements to the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program, which supports state and local governments, The Associated Press reported.

Among the additions was a stipulation that when an illegal immigrant was released from custody, the local officials would notify federal agents, and let them question inmates regarding their status in the country, the outlet said.

Oh no! We can’t have that! Why that might violate the rights of a Criminal Alien to return to their hobbies of robbery, rape and murder!

The newly imposed requirements went against the constitutional limits on the administration’s ability to control spending decisions and on federal power over states, the states and city argued.

That’s very debatable. This covers money from the Federal Government, not funds raised locally. If these criminal regimes want to spend their local taxpayers money on protecting criminals, then they can.

Ramos wrote that the information-sharing requirement “impinges on (the states’ and city’s) sovereign authority and their citizens’ liberty to be regulated under their preferred state and local policies.”

Right there is a gaping hole in this treasonous judge’s ruling. This doesn’t concern American citizens, only foreign nationals in the United States, specifically those who are here illegally.

In a statement posted on Twitter, New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood hailed the ruling as “a major win for New Yorkers’ public safety.”

As we argued, local law enforcement has the right to decide how to meet their local public safety needs – and the Trump administration simply does not have the right to require state and local police to act as federal immigration agents,” her statement said. “The Trump administration’s attempt to withhold these vital funds was nothing more than a political attack at the expense of our public safety.”

Public Safety? By your very argument, you have shown you don’t give a rats ass about public safety. You are protecting criminals at the expense of Public Safety. I have no doubt that the Trump Administration is going to appeal this, and if it gets to the Supreme Court, they, looking at the law and the Constitution, (something Obama judges avoid like Ebola), will rule that President Trump was within his authority as President of the United States.

As for these corrupt Obama judges and the CommuNazi politicians who are aiding the criminal aliens? It’s time to start prosecuting them. There are statutes on the books regarding aiding and abetting illegal aliens. Indicting, trying and hopefully convicting a few of these people might do wonders for the rest when it comes to actually doing their duty to American citizens and lawful resident aliens.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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