Democrats announce “People are to stupid to vote for us”

Good day all. The CommuNazi Party, formally known as the Democrat party, has long been known as a party of over-educated, ignorant, ivory tower elitists. (The Country Club Republicans, aka RINO’s are almost as bad) However, they’ve been fairly good at conning people into thinking that they actually were “Just like everyone one else.” Until recently that is.

Recently, one of the CommuNazi senators from Hawaii let slip what her party really thinks of the average voter. The answer is, Not much. She stated that Democrats are smarter than everyone else and that’s why they keep losing elections. Here are the details from Fox News:

Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, on Tuesday told a conference that she heard one of the reasons that her party has a difficult time connecting with voters is because Democrats know so much, and have a tendency of appealing to voters’ minds instead of their hearts.

Hirono made the comment at a conference in Washington, D.C. She was asked by the moderator about ways Democrats could drive voter turnout.

“I wish I had the answer to that because one of the things that we, Democrats, have a really hard time is connecting to people’s hearts instead of [their heads],” Hirono said. “We’re really good at shoving out all the information that touch people here [pointing to her head] but not here [pointing to her heart].”

Nice going stupid. You just announced that the average voter is to stupid to process information regarding how they want this country administered.

Hirono, 71, said Democrats need to stop speaking in a way that comes off as manipulative or strokes fear and resentment.

So you’re going to get people like Mad Maxine Waters to shut up? Good luck with that!

But we have a really hard time doing that and one of the reasons– it was told to me at one of our retreats– was that we Democrats know so much, that is true. And we have kind of have to tell everyone how smart we are and so we have a tendency to be very left brain,” she continued.

The left-hand side of the brain is often associated with analytical thought.

Congratulations Senator, you have just demonstrated one of the major problems of the CommuNazi Party. Incredible arrogance. The Democrat CommuNazi Party has never been anything but a party of elitists who think that they have the right to rule over the “Lesser” people. It was primarily the Democrats who were the slave owners, not the Republicans.

It was the Democrats that started the Civil War. Woodrow Wilson, the darling of the Progressive Democrats was will known for his contempt of pretty much everyone and everything that wasn’t part of his social class.

Then we have Franklin Delano Roosevelt. He was a complete disaster as President, with his goals of a nice centralized economy run by over-educated, like minded people. It’s been determined lately that his policies extended the Great Depression, and we’re still suffering from the effects of his tyrannical rule. Now we have this man hating moonbat, Mazie Hirono. She is the epitome of CommuNazi arrogance and contempt of average American.

The first-term senator gained widespread notoriety as a leading Democratic voice for the women who accused against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct. She urged men to “shut up and step up” when the Senate was confirming Kavanaugh to the court.

Since the confirmation of Associate Justice Brett Kavanaugh, (Nope, still not tired of saying that), at least one of his “Accusers” has been recommended by the Senate to the Justice Department recommending a criminal investigation and indictment and another has admitted lying with the goal of derailing Justice’s Kavanaugh confirmation. These are the people who want to rule America. Not govern, rule.

Mazie Hirono has demonstrated that she, like most of the modern CommuNazi Party are unfit to hold any office, elected or appointed. We’ve been watching the Obama Judges issue rulings that have no basis in the law or the Constitution, and we have watched over the last 100+ years as the CommuNazi Party, (With the assistance of the Globalist RINO wing of the Beltway Uniparty), strip the rights away from individual Americans.

Mazie Hirono should resign from office immediately. She won’t, and you can bet she will win reelection. Why? Because in some way’s she is correct. The average Democrat voter is to stupid to run his or her own life and does need to be told what to do.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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