CommuNazi’s Contempt for the Constitution continues

Good day all. The CommuNazis are literally salivating at the idea that they will be able to “Get Trump!” They have announced a list of things they intend to do, none of which bears any resemblance to actually working for the betterment of Americans.

As we all know, President Trump is a “Red Blooded American” and believes that the United States is unique in world history. He also believes in putting America and Americans first. This is called Nationalism, and basically means you are putting your nation first in your deeds and thoughts.

Everyone does it. The Chinese do it, The Russians do it, and most Americans do it. The ones who don’t are known as “Globalists.” They hold that believing in one’s nation is evil and must be suppressed. All CommuNazis and most of the Uniparty RINO’s hold that to be true. They will do anything to stop the belief in the idea that America is the greatest nation on earth. In the traditional CommuNazi manner, this means investigating President Trump’s speeches. Here are the details from the Washington Times:

The incoming chairman of the House Judiciary Committee said Tuesday that he and his colleagues are initiating an investigation into a rise in hate crimes, and suggested President Trump’s pro-America rhetoric may be playing a role.

He calls himself a nationalist. He falsely claims that ‘foreigners’ are the primary sources of domestic terror. He famously claimed that there were ‘some very fine people on both sides’ of the riot in Charlottesville — where a neo-Nazi demonstration ended in the death of one counter-protestor and two officers of the Virginia state police,” said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, New York Democrat.

How shall I take this apart? Let’s start with that “Counter-Demonstration. Another term for it would be anti-free speech riot. The case against the man in the death down there was taken from the local jurisdiction and federalized as a “hate” crime. What may be happening is the case against that driver fell apart in Charlottsville. There are apparently images of the car where the brake lights came on, indicating he was trying to stop. There was also another report of one of the “Counter-Protestors” aiming a rifle at him. If any of this is true, along with the other reports, the case is dead.

Now as to the domestic terror part, I somewhat agree. However, the people that fat CommuNazi slob is saying are the “Domestic Terrorists” haven’t actually done much of anything other than exercise their rights under the Constitution. Almost all the violence has been originating on the left. But Nadler is CommuNazi and facts mean nothing to him.

His comments came in a letter to the FBI, Justice Department and Homeland Security Department demanding more data on the rise in reports of hate crimes, and on how the administration pursues investigations. He set a Dec. 31 deadline for the information, saying Congress has been kept “largely in the dark” on homegrown violence, and particularly from white supremacists.

In the first place, I consider these “Hate” Crimes to be a load of crap. What the CommuNazis want to do is criminalize what people think and say. You can consider how someone may have been thinking as a motive in a crime, but that, in and of itself, isn’t the crime. The crime is the actual act, (Usually of violence).

The second problem is this utter load of crap regarding White Supremacists. There really aren’t all that many of them, and they tend to keep under the radar. Very few of those inbred morons do much more then show the world just how stupid they are. As long as they don’t commit crimes, they have every right to be stupid inbred idiots.

Now in regards to the Antifa movement, there we have actual criminal activities happening. Would you care to place a wager that Nadler won’t even discuss that? Of course he won’t. In his slimy brain, they are doing “The people’s work!”

“There appears to be a politically driven effort to diminish programs that empower communities to counter the influence of extremist ideology,” he wrote.

In other words, President Trump’s administration isn’t putting out enough CommuNazi propaganda or moving to suppress anyone who might have an idea or opinion Nadler and his ilk don’t like. Nadler has a long history of opposing the constitutional rights of people with ideas and opinions he opposes. He’s also fully on board with flat out suppressing those same people by all means he deems necessary, up to and including rounding people up.

The agencies will do what they can to provide the data, but I can tell you right now Nadler won’t believe what they give him. Why? Because it doesn’t match up with his idea of “The Truth.” These are the idiots who will be running the House of Representatives come January. Without a doubt, they intend to go full totalitarian, not just going after President Trump, but also anyone who opposes the Socialist orthodoxy of the CommuNazi Party.

One thing Nadler doesn’t seem to understand is that President Trump fights back. Nadler better not have any skeletons in his closet or he might find himself in front of a jury trying to keep his fat ass out of prison. The House may think they have “The Power,” but all the real action is going to happen in the Senate as President Trump and the Republicans move to put more Constitutionalist jurists on the bench. As for that fat totalitarian idiot, may I remind him of the oath he took when he assumed office.

I, (name of Member), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God”


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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